QUESTION: You said that the US was going to invade Iran after Iraq. Was that classified? I never heard of that. You also said that the Neocons pulled off a coup and seized control of American foreign policy, and the press prints their narrative. I respect your sources, which appear to be remarkable. Lira was the first time you identified any source. Is this the way it operates behind the curtain? What drives you? Or perhaps what changed you?
ANSWER: I cannot reveal sources, or I won’t have any afterward. I do not make money from this blog, and I do not solicit donations or accept advertising. I have ZERO personal stock accounts because I cannot have the slightest conflict of interest because I have to comply with laws worldwide – not just in the ISA. My incentive is to try to leave behind a better future for my grandkids, and if Scotty wants to bean me up, I do not give a shit. When the government tortures you and tries to kill you, something happens. I wrote about that when Trump was shot. You emerge, losing all fear of death. People do not understand. Trump now realizes he is here for a purpose and is going full steam ahead. He now knows the real Deep State as I do.
He is hitting the Cntrl-Alt-Delete and is rebooting the USA, which is exposing the corruption and is setting the stage for the redesign of government in 2032. He is part of this cycle, too, whether he understands that or not. People ask me all the time why I am not bitter about what they did to me. I was endowed with the strength to endure. That was my divine gift, like the gifts from the gods to Perseius. What they did to me opened my eyes for growing up with lawyers always discussing the Constitution, I thought our legal system was fair. When the judge threw my lawyer, Richard Altman, out, his last words to me were: “You should have run.” He added they would have had to put on a real case to get me back had I gone to London.
My case was covering up the first Neocon regime change they tried to get me to fund with $10 billion, and I refused. This was the start of the Neocon Coup of American Foreign Policy. None of my clients filed any complaint against me. This was all started by the bank, which, in the end, pleaded guilty and returned all the money they stole with a deal of no fine and no prison time for the bakers, as usual in NYC. The banks walk of water in NYC. As a lawyer told me why they are never prosecuted, “You don’t shit where you eat!” What I experienced changed me. I saw the beast from the inside out. The legal system is not worth saving.
Judge Lawrence M. McKenna was trying to protect me. So, the DOJ ordered the Chief Judge to switch my case to a pro-government former prosecutor, John F. Kennan. Not even Trump could have his case removed to a different judge in secret. Here is the docket with all of these entries sealed from my view and the world.
They illegally closed the courtroom and threw out the Associated Press, altering the transcripts to hide that. The only evidence I had was their press story. This, I believe, was all to cover up the attempted regime change of Russia blackmailing Yeltsin, which is why Yeltsin turned to Putin and said, “Protect Russia.” The Neocons are relentless. They are determined to conquer Russia. This is why they were all supporting Kamala.
What has been going on with Ukraine is the Neocons have taken over the press, and all they do is spin the story of how Russia is weak and that we can take them in just 3 days. It has been the Neocon Adam Kinzinger, who Pelosi picked to be on the January 6th Committee, was trying to prevent Trump from running again because they knew he would pull the rug out from under them. Biden gave him a pardon along with the other Neocon, Liz Cheney, whose father endorsed Kamala.
I was asked to be part of that administration if I would take the position of Chief Economic adviser in the White House, and I declined. Bush never picked anyone. They put in Cheney, and he launched the war to conquer 7 countries – Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Libya, and Somalia. He wanted to dominate every state that had been loyal to Russia.
Trump’s first term, they stuffed his cabinet with Deep State Neocons. That is why Trump picked his cabinet before he got to Washington, and they are qualified people not beholding to the Deep State. Today, everything you have heard about Ukraine is total propaganda by the Neocons to justify war to now conquer Russia. Trump knows what I know. This is the real war for the heart and soul of the United States, and I am not exaggerating. So many fools believe the bullshit they spin about Trump and never as WHY?
When I said 100,000 Ukrainians were killed in the first few months of Zelensky’s war on Russia, I got emails from brainwashed people claiming I was spreading Russian disinformation. That info came directly from Ukraine, and when Ursula gave that number, Zelensky made her take it out and claimed that it was “classified” because he was trying to pretend Ukraine was winning with no casualties. In every government, there are the obedient, brainwashed morons who just repeat what the government and the press tell them without thinking about anything. Sometimes, I have come up with specific information that even central banks would like to share, but they are restricted in their comments. This is the way it goes.
I am not the only one who sees through the corruption and lies. Former General Wesley Clark, who is about five years older than me, was the Supreme Allied Commander Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000. Listen to his speech on the Neocon Coup that has taken over the United States’ foreign policy since 1999. That is when they charged me, Sepetember 13th, 1999, because I would not play ball. This was the start of the Neocon Coup that was never directed by Congress or even any president.
On January 30th, 1999, NATO Launched Operation Allied Force Against Serbia. This NATO operation marked a significant military intervention in the Kosovo War, marking a significant rise in Neocon power. This was NATO’s first offensive use of force and was NOT sanctioned by the United Nations Security Council. This was in violation of international law and was politically a usurpation of virtual dictatorial power by an unelected organization. They used the false claim that it was for humanitarian concerns, but it was a strategic calculation to expand their powerbase against Russia.
Hence, the Kosovo War presented a political opportunity for NATO to redefine its role in the post-Cold War era since it was created to protect Europe from Khruschev’s threats to conquer Europe and defeat capitalism. With the dissolution of the Soviet Union, NATO’s original purpose of defending Western Europe against Soviet aggression had evaporated. For fear of dissolution, NATO needed to regain its status and power and expand it.
The Neocons usurped the Kosovo War as a way to transform NATO into a more proactive security organization capable of managing newer, non-traditional threats, including ethnic conflicts and humanitarian crises, which it was never established for in the first place. This is why NATO constantly asserts that if Ukraine falls, Russia will retake all of Eastern Europe, which only a fool would believe – but we have fools running the government and the press. All they do is constantly project war as if Communism never fell. Under Khruschev it was about spreading communism against evil capitalists. Those conditions and reasoning no longer apply.
Instead, they latch on a comment from April 2005 when Putin told the nation that the collapse of the Soviet empire “was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century” and had fostered separatist movements inside Russia that we will also see in the United States and Europe when any centralized government becomes authoritarian. But they have taken Putin’s statements out of context about the Soviet collapse was a tragedy for Russians. He said:
“First and foremost it is worth acknowledging that the demise of the Soviet Union was the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the century. … As for the Russian people, it became a genuine tragedy. Tens of millions of our fellow citizens and countrymen found themselves beyond the fringes of Russian territory.” He also referred to the Chechnya separatist movement that became an “epidemic of collapse has spilled over to Russia itself.”
They overlook that Putin was particularly critical of Lenin and said he was not a stateman but just a Bolshevik. He said that Lenin created “a time bomb under our state.” He also denounced Stalin for massive purges that killed millions but noted his role in defeating the Nazis in WW II. Putin also blasted the Bolsheviks for making Russia lose World War I in their quest for power, making Russia suffer defeat by Germany and cede large chunks of territory just months before it lost World War I. “We lost to the losing party, a unique case in history,” Putin said.
Putin criticized the Communist ideology, noting that while promises of a fair and just society in the Communist ideology “resembled the Bible quite a lot,” the reality was different. “Our country didn’t look like the City of the Sun,” envisaged by socialist utopians, he said. Regarding Lenin’s tomb, Leon Trotsky, Lev Kamenev, and Nikolai Bukharin famously opposed the idea of Lenin’s embalming, while his late wife, Nadezhda Krupskaya, wrote for the Pravda newspaper in the year of his death: “Do not build for him monuments, castles in his name, (hold) opulent receptions in his memories etc. To all of this he assigned such little significance in life and it saddened him so.”
The Neocon John Bolton, who would invade Canada to get one Russian and has no problem sending American boys to die for his rantings, has been the major source of spreading the propaganda that Putin wants to resurrect the Soviet Union. Bolton seems to have no remorse for those who die in battle. Perhaps he is just an atheist like Lenin. Bolton. constantly denigrates Trump, who does not wish to create World War III, saying, “‘F*cking Moron’ Like Trump Can Still Be Putin’s ‘Useful Idiot’“ Bolton also said:
“It’s clear he wants to re-establish Russian hegemony within the space of the former Soviet Union. Ukraine is the biggest prize, that’s what he’s after. The occupation of the Crimea is a step in that direction.”
Yet, in November 2013, John Bolton appeared in a video in which he talks up gun rights in Russia to lobby the Russian legislature, pushing the Right to Bear Arms. This has long been a question of ethics and legality. It is against the law to accept any money from a foreign government without registering as an agent of that government. That is why I cannot accept any money and that also applies to gifts. You cannot even accept that they pay for your expenses like airfare and hotel – NOTHING!!! Even if Russia paid someone else as a middle person, that does not exonerate you from a crime.
Part of their strategy is to say that Putin is so evil that nobody should talk to him and cut off all diplomatic ties. Biden did that, and so did the EU. That is to ensure that there will not be any possibility other than all-out war. NEVER do they consider that World War III this time our computer forecasts will destroy Western culture, They refuse to consider that they could lose even if they win – a Phyric Victory.
The real object has been to expand NATO up to the Russian border, which they vowed they would not do. Then, on March 12th, 1999, NATO Expanded into Eastern European Countries, creating their Join Alliance. In a historic post-Cold War geopolitical realignment, Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic officially became members of NATO, marking a significant shift in European security dynamics and symbolizing these nations’ strategic pivot away from Russian influence. They were lured into NATO under pretenses, for it is NATO that seeks to invade Russia – not the other way around.
Roman lasted for 1,000 years not because of the threat of war from people like John Bolton but because of FREE TRADE that benefited everyone. It was more profitable to be part of the Roman Empire than to be on the fringe looking in. What we see is that the various economies on the fringe were always issuing imitations of Roman coinage. When the barbarians conquered Rome, they issued coinage pretending to be Roman as Athalaric (526-534AD) of the Ostrogoths.