The Epstein Files

Epstein Ornament

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found your initial comment that Epstein was not a pedophile offensive. Then, with time and saying there were over 200 girls, you pointed out these were all high-profile people interesting. Then your last comment that the real question nobody asks is who did he work for? Is this why there seems to be holding back the files?


Epsteins Island

ANSWER: I believe they have stepped into a pile of shit, as they say, and it stinks so bad, they can’t get it off their shoes. I believe the spin of this is seriously wrong. Epstein was working for someone, and the people who flew with him to his island were his marks or real victims. In other words, the object was to get evidence on them to blackmail them into doing whatever.

Look, the legal age is 16 in England, not 18. They are free from parental control, can leave home, can start a family, can get married, can start work, can pay taxes, and can join the military forces.

Epsteing Andrew

Now, look at this map. Epstein has an island in the US Virgin Islands. If he were really concerned about obeying the law, he would have bought an island in the British Virgin Islands. JUST CROSS THAT BORDER and everything would have been legal. If it was legal, then what was the point. I doubt that most middle-aged men could tell the difference if a girl was 17 or 18 by just looking at them.

This was a professional honey trap. I doubt this was just for fun, and I doubt that this was to blackmail people for Epstein’s personal benefit. This had to be an operation for someone else and he was paid to get people into compromising positions to do certain things.

Hoover J. Edgar

Anna_Chapman_mug_shotJ. Edgar Hoover was probably the most powerful non-elected person in modern American history. As FBI director from 1924 through his death in 1972, he used the tools of state to create a power base that was unrivaled in American history. Speaking with members of Congress over the years and staff, they would recount how Hoover would use blackmail and intimidation against members of Congress. He would go to their office and say I just wanted to let you know that this came up about something you had done. He would say if the FBI discovered this fact, perhaps your opponent might. They would have to thank him and then they were on his short leash.

Anna Chapman was a Russian Spy caught in New York City. She was swapped for American spies in 2010 and made headlines in New York. She was stunningly beautiful as well as stunningly successful. Well, if you are going to betray secrets, this is far better than the rubber hose treatment. She became known as Vladimir Putin’s weapon of mass distraction.

Honey Traps were very common during the Cold War. The KGB would send stunningly beautiful Russian women to entangle men in strategic positions. This is a very old trick to get information. In my opinion, this was the real gold of Epstein—to get people in compromising positions so his real benefactors could have leverage. Who was his real boss? Some say Israel.

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The Epstein Files

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I found your initial comment that Epstein was not a pedophile offensive. Then, with time and saying there were over 200 girls, you pointed out these were [...]
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