Putin would be a Fool Again To Agree to Complete Cease-Fire as EU Prepares for War

Merkel_Minsk_Buy_Time_to Prepare for wart

QUESTION: Did your sources tell you that Putin would reject the complete cease-fire? You seem always to be spot on.


ANSWER: In all honesty, you shouldn’t even need sources for that. The Europeans have been undermining Trump at every turn. Putin would be a fool to accept a complete caesar-fire because Zelensky is an untrustworthy guy taking orders from NATO and the Neocons against Trump. They told him to agree to a cease-fire to buy again time to reply and buy time for Europe to build up its military. Putin would be a fool not to see through this fake peace deal, for Europe wants war no matter what. The Neocons are now in charge of Europe as they were during the Biden Administration. This is just Merkel 2.0. Putin is NOT going to be fooled a second time.

Trump’s agreement comes a week after Kyiv agreed to a U.S.-backed 30-day cease-fire covering all aspects of the ongoing conflict between Russia and Ukraine. That was just a setup to allow Europe to prepare for war and that they could then create a false flag to paint Putin as the aggressor again. Putin had indicated some willingness to enter into the more expansive temporary cease-fire but said he had other concerns the proposal didn’t address. That is Europe and the warmongering.

“The leaders agreed that the movement to peace will begin with an energy and infrastructure ceasefire, as well as technical negotiations on the implementation of a maritime ceasefire in the Black Sea, full ceasefire and permanent peace,” as reported by the White House said in a readout of the nearly two-hour call.

Look, the computer projected a Trump landslide. I always distinguish my personal opinion from the computer because I am human and fallible. I gave the computer forecast and then my personal opinion that I thought they would try to assassinate him. That was based on knowing these people. I have been to dinner with them and have looked into their eyes. You do not see a warm flicker of anything—just cold hatred.

London_Summit_on_Ukraine 2025_

The computer did NOT change its forecast for war, although Trump won the election, and I have stated that I advocated RFK to join Trump because I knew the two were against the war. I hoped this combination would at least keep the US out of the war and let Europe self-destruct a third time. These European leaders are pathetic. They are mindless drones of the Neocons willing to march their people into utter destruction, all for another endless war against Russia by these Neocons who have NEVER won a single conflict yet. The first duty of a head of state is to AVOID war – not promote it. Whenever a politician puts a label on some legislation like the Patriot Act, it always covers up the exact opposite. Here at the London Summit, they called it “Securing Our Future,” which should have read “Wiping Out Our Future.”

Chin Russia Leaders Putin

I have an old Russian friend we met in Tokyo in the mid-90s. She was a translator from Russian to Japanese who worked at the firm that used to do the translation for my Tokyo Conferences. She returned to Russia and lives in Moscow. She asked me, “Why do people hate us so much?” This is a common question I hear from non-political Russians. China knows the Neocon playbook. Rule #1: you instruct these stupid leaders never to talk to the opposition because they are evil. That ensures there will be no peace. All we heard was that Zelensky and the EU were not invited by Trump to sit at the negotiation table. Why should Putin trust either after Merkel publicly admitted they negotiated the peace with the Minish agreement and never intended to honor it? They were buying time for Ukraine to build an army to wage war against Russia.

This is the same strategy, and if I were Putin, I would never trust anything these European leaders say. It will take a European uprising to overthrow all of these governments and NATO before you will ever save the future of Europe. That said, Trump is wasting his breath. This is NATO with intentions to invade and destroy Russia for its $75 trillion in natural resources. Because this is in-your-face and not some top-secret plot, China clearly understands they will be next on the list. China will join with Russia to destroy Europe. There is no question about these.

Zelensky_Pursue_Nuclear_Weapons_2 23 22

The press is all on the side of the Neocons. Any article that starts claiming Russia invaded Ukraine “unprovoked” is Neocon Propaganda. The day before Zelensky said he would redeploy nuclear weapons pointed at Russia.


At the Munich Security Conference days before, Harris said Ukraine should join NATO. She was an idiot and just read the cue cards. The Neocons had her say those stupid words because they knew Putin was then on the border to ensure he would invade.


Washington_Post US Knew Russia would Invade Oct 2021

The Washington Post actually did some investigation and found that the US and Zelensky knew when Russia would enter Ukraine. They reported: “We assess that they plan to conduct a significant strategic attack on Ukraine from multiple directions simultaneously,” Gen. Mark A. Milley, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, told Biden. “Their version of ‘shock and awe.’ ” Biden was informed at an Oval Office meeting. The Post wrote: “In the Oval Office in October 2021, President Biden’s top advisers presented him with Russian President Vladimir Putin’s war plans for a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. ”

Zelensky did not tell people about invasion

When the Washington Post discovered Zelensky knew when Putin would cross the border, they asked why he did not warn his people. This scum-bag told the Washington Post if he told the people, he would have lost $7 billion. He has declared Martial Law, so he no longer stands for election, and he has suspended debt payments, defaulting on Ukrainian debt that will never be repaid. He has been a traitor to his own people and his own country and thinks that Black Rock will raise trillions to invest in Ukraine as the great European Investment of the century. Our computer warns that Ukraine will no longer exist. I pray he does not make it out of Ukraine with his handful of silver to betray his own people and come to Miami.




Zelensky has done the bidding of the Neocons and called for a European Army to really invade Russia. He is hurling Europe to its destruction and our computer warns that not even the historical monuments will survive this time. To our European readers, the question is simple. Are you willing to throw your future away for Zelensky and his Neocons buddies?

Starmer Aceept Zelensky as Savior

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