Romania’s Calin Georgescu has made headlines once more for calling Ukraine a “fictitious state” and suggesting that the nation will inevitably be divided. This man would have been president of Romania if the establishment accepted the results of the first election. Although he remains the most popular candidate, these statements and views are precisely why those behind the curtain will never permit him to hold power.
“One hundred percent. This will happen one hundred percent. There is no other way. This path is inevitable. Ukraine is an invented state. The Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic. It is an artificial state; there are no reference points,” Georgescu said in a recent interview. “The world is changing, and borders will change. We have Northern Bukovina, Budzhak (the southwestern part of the Odesa region), Northern Maramureș from former Transcarpathia, what remains with the Hungarians, Lviv, which will stay with the Poles, and Little Russia,” he added.
He also suggested that part of Ukraine will be absorbed by Romania. Honoring the Minsk Agreement could have prevented such a divide. Russia wanted specific regions that have always been historically Russian. The Minsk Agreement would have allowed the people, not the governments, to vote on whether they wanted to join Russia or remain in Ukraine.
Ukraine did not gain full independence until August 24, 1991, when the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic broke away from the fallen USSR. A referendum in December of that year resulted in a vote of 90.3% in favor of independence. That same December marked the final collapse of the Soviet Union when the communist coup against Gorbachev failed. Ethnic groups demanded sovereignty, with the Baltic States like Latvia, Lithuania, and Estonia all calling for independence around this time. The Belovezha Accords were signed on December 8, 1991, creating the Commonwealth of Independent States, or 15 independent states, ending the 70-year reign of the USSR on December 26, 1991.
Gorbachev handed power over to Yeltsin, who became the President of the Russian Republic, later named the Russian Federation. Russia became the primary state after the USSR dissolved, but Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan all became independent nations around this time. Some nations adopted democracy while others, like Belarus, fell into authoritarianism. We also saw the breakup of Yugoslavia between 1991 and 1992, forming new nations based on ethic lines. Economic disparities between wealthier nations in both the USSR and Yugoslavia led to their downfall as resentment turned into civil unrest, which ultimately led to revolution.
While this is certainly an oversimplified explanation, the fact of the matter is that civilization ALWAYS collapses. Maps are drawn and redrawn, with new boundaries and territories marking short or long-lived new nations. The Russia-Ukraine war has expanded into a full global crisis, fueling inflation internationally and contributing to the coming global recession. Every major economic powerhouse is now involved in this war. NATO has successfully used Ukraine to provoke Russia. We are already witnessing economic disparity among European Union nations, who have been hit hardest by sanctions.
We are confronted by the end of the Sixth Wave in 2032, which will be a profound economic and political change. Historically, there comes a time for a paradigm shift. That is when we should see at least 40% of the people who then support change. As we move closer and closer to 2032, we will see this shift post-2024. We should begin to witness this paradigm shift toward anti-government form by 2026. It will most likely explode in 2029. This is all necessary, for the people must come voluntarily. It will be 2032 when we witness perhaps as much as 60%-75% of the people demanding the end of Republic forms of government.