Inside Every Liberal is a Totalitarian Screaming To Get Out

The winner of a essay contest, N. A. Halkides, wrote a piece which is actually very on point. I have written before saying essentially the same position that those on the right seek liberty and justice for all because their greatest dream is to be free and left alone to pursue this gift of life. The left, is where revolutions emerge because they are never satisfied with the world and always want to be like the thief who breaks into you home to take what they want for themselves. Halkides explained like this:

The Progressive believes in precisely two things:  his own magnificence and the constructive power of brute force.  In combination, they lead him naturally from the role of pestiferous busybody to brutal dictator.  Where the productive man dreams of the things he might create if only left alone by his fellows, the Progressive dreams of the world he could create if only the lives and property of his fellows were at his disposal.  The roots of his pathology lie in that oldest and most destructive of all human vices, the desire for the power to rule over other men.

To give someone something to help them when they really need it actually makes you feel good inside. To be forced to turnover assets so someone else can claim to be charitable is not charity by any means – it is extortion. Even Hillary on the campaign trail remarked that Trump was worth several billions. “Think what we could do with that!” she exclaimed. It is always violating the Tenth Commandment – Thous shall not covert anything belonging to someone else. It seems God understood the totalitarian hiding inside every leftist and made it a violation of his 10 Commandments.


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