The Cycle of Civilization

COMMENT: Interestingly enough, in Switzerland the -in majority- leftish and Pro-EU government has been trying to push Switzerland into EU for years as you’re aware of.

Now the SVP is fighting against a new international contract, called “institutional agreement” which would give (amongst others) the EUGH the Supremacy Clause over Switzerland – end of Swiss direct democracy plus all still existing “state” rights (despite 60% – 80% of all new regulations/laws are already taken over from Brussels..)

REPLY: While the revisionists want to claim that the Civil War was only about slavery when in fact the overwhelming majority of Confederate soldiers owned no slaves, they say history is written by the victor not the loser. There is never a single reason for any war. Iraq was claimed to be protecting the people who Saddam Hussein was gassing. The weapons of mass destruction was thrown in for good measure to make it sound urgent when it was Dick Cheney and his greedy buddies looking for oil. Nevertheless, the Civil War was really part of the Cycle of Civilization. We band together creating large governments and then we disband and move back to tribal jurisdiction. This Cycle of Civilization has been going on for thousands of years.

Indeed, this trend is part of the Cycle of Civilization we must understand run the course throughout history of human existence. The Roman Empire took over states and absorbed them to dominate the Western World. Previously, those states suppresses tribes to create states with a central power. When Rome fell, it broke up not into states, but back into tribes and then feudalism. As invaders reemerged, then these feudal castles banned together for a common defense.

The king of France really emerged from the Carolingian dynasty (751–888) under Pepin the Short (751-768) who consolidated the various independent kingdoms as France began to emerge as a nation state. In England, it was not until 827 when Northumbria submitted to Egbert of Wessex at Dore, briefly making Egbert the first king to reign over a united England. However, it was in 886 when Alfred the Great retook London, which he apparently regarded as a turning point in his reign. Previously, there were tribes that formed cities states like Mercia and Wessex and then they merge and become a nation state.

The Cycle of Civilization is the constant swing between independent city states back to unified national states and then empires. Europe went through this as did China and the USA Civil War was fought against this nationalization or State’s Rights. It was not simply slavery.

Those who deny the Civil War was also over State’s Rights, should read this letter. Here is Justice Scalia’s famous letter noting that the Civil War settled the issue of the right to secede, separate and distinct from this issue of slavery that people are focusing on today. This is a major trend throughout history, the Cycle of Civilization, which is always in motion and it is why Europe will breakup as will the United States. – Nothing lasts forever.

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