Open the Door to the Universe With Cycles

QUESTION: You wrote: “Once you begin to see the entire universe is governed by the 8.6 frequency, the doors to a hidden order spring wide open.” What do you mean?

ANSWER: The journey of our solar system around the center which revolves as the earth does around our sun annually, takes 25,800 years which is three times 8.6. Now, one solar day is 24 hours. If we take that 24 hours times 60 minutes, we end up with 1440 minutes. Now multiply that by 60 seconds in a minute and we arrive at 86.400 seconds in a day. There is a lot more hidden order in this 8.6 frequency than meets the eye. The key to moving forward in our knowledge is to understand the significance of cycle frequency when absolutely everything has a frequency.

You can kill people with sound. The military has been developing weapons simply using sound waves. This video demonstrates that they can also repel mobs with simply a sound cannon. There were the sound weapons used in Cuba to attack US and Canadian diplomats and their families. This is all about using cycles.

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