Jet Stream Exaggerations


We have to understand that the Jetstream itself is extremely dynamic. It has been dipping very low and as I reported last winter, it even snowed in Tallahassee in northern Florida for the first time since the Blizzard of 1899. This is causing some very diverse outcomes. In Sweden, they had one of the hottest summers on record. I was in Bavaria in August and likewise, it was extremely hot. The buildings generally did not have air conditioning because they never needed it.

On the other hand, in Ukraine where it is usually very hot at that time of year, it remained very cool. In North America, it all depends where you are. Some parts of Canada is warm, and others are unusually cold. The Jet Stream is becoming very exaggerated in its dips. This is why last year the crops froze in Spain creating a shortage of vegetables in Europe. Of course, we have the diehard people who claim just because where they live it is warm so it must be global warming and anyone who disagrees with that are just wrong. They refuse to even look around the world that exists beyond their front door.


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