Chelsea Manning Release & then Served Again with Another Subpoena

Chelsea Manning was released from the Virginia jail where she spent 62 days for refusing to testify about her past ties to WikiLeaks before a federal grand jury in the Eastern District of Virginia. While contempt cannot be maintained beyond the term of the Grand Jury, they will simply conjure up another one. The attorneys for Manning said the release came after the grand jury’s term expired on Thursday which is required by law. However, her legal team has already been served another subpoena. It demands she appear before a different grand jury on May 17th. They will be able to throw her back in jail again for 18 months.

Manning has vowed not to answer any questions and, therefore, will be imprisoned yet again. Then at the trial of Assange, she can be subpoenaed yet again and throw into prison and that time they may seek criminal contempt which she will be imprisoned for another 5 years. We no longer respect the rights of individuals. The demands of the state supersede all constitutional rights.

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