2020 Elections to be the Most Violent

QUESTION: The more I read that Trump’s opponents will resort to violence, I am amazed at your computer and how it has been putting all this together years in advance. Are we just pre-programmed somehow?


ANSWER: I do not think it is the people who are pre-programmed. It seems to me that government inevitably turns to corruption. I believe the term limits are the only way to stop this and I am not sure if even that will be enough. What I do see is that given the same set of facts, the people will respond in an identical manner no matter what century we look at. To me, history repeats because the same set of patterns unfold and in the same precise order.

The Democrats are simply moving to extreme measures for socialism. They are turning to violence BECAUSE they have been losing ground. Our model shows that 2020 will be the most violent political election since the 1960s. It really does not matter who wins. Both sides will take to the streets and refuse to accept the victor. This nonsense that Trump is #NotMyPresident has simply invoked the exact opposite position where the Republicans will not accept a Democrat as president. This is what I mean when I say that civilization is collapsing and this leads to separatism.

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