Russia Issued an Arrest Warrant for Lindsey Graham

Russia has issued an arrest warrant for Lindsey Graham and quite honestly, it is not a surprise. Graham has NEVER seen a Russian he did not want dead. He has been one of the hardline Neocons who always is willing to throw American lives away for his constant agenda of conquering the world to promote the fake US version of democracy where we NEVER have a right to vote on anything important from debt ceilings to war.

Zelensky’s office edited the videotape and put two separate comments that Graham made together that “the Russians are dying” and U.S. military assistance to Ukraine is “the best money we’ve ever spent.” That’s what he gets for backing the most vile and corrupt government in Europe hellbent on creating World War III.


Communism fell in 1989. Neither the people of Russia nor China are interested in ever returning. Instead of promoting peace as the Roman Empire showed us how to do when everyone is interconnected economically, that is how peace is created. It is to everyone’s benefit to work together. Graham and McCain never paused even once. They continued the cold war. Graham has no problem sending American boys and girls to die in Europe for his dream of destroying Russia and razing it to the ground. NEVER have Graham or McCain EVER sought peace – just endless wars.



The post Russia Issued an Arrest Warrant for Lindsey Graham first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

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