Good Guy With a Gun Prevents Mass Shooting


A massacre was prevented over the weekend, thanks to a good guy with a gun. Governments globally are looking to eliminate or severely restrict firearm usage, citing that civilians do not need to defend themselves. On Sunday, Genesse Ivonne Moreno, 36, entered a Houston megachurch wearing a black trench coat concealing an AR-15 featuring pro-Palestinian messaging. She did not expect two off-duty police officers to be seated in the pews.

Sadly, Moreno’s 7-year-old son fell by her own bullets inside the church, and another parishioner was also injured after being shot in the leg. Moreno is transgendered and uses male and female aliases. Their ex-husband is Jewish, and police said they found “anti-Semitic” writings but have not published them. Moreno has a long history of arrests spanning from 2005, including unlawful possession of a firearm. This person was NOT in legal possession of the weapon that they were intended to use to kill Christians.


The men who intervened acted heroically and fatally shot Moreno. Would you have preferred to wait until the police were called and more lives were taken by this disturbed, violent criminal? We saw how the police failed to act after the Uvalde school shooting that claimed the lives of 19 students and two teachers.

The point of the matter is that gun restrictions are a danger to our society. No one knows how Moreno obtained a weapon, but criminals will always have access to firearms. Regulations only prevent law-abiding citizens from self-defense, first against others and, secondly, against their own government. Authorities are still investigating whether this was a hate crime, which should raise eyebrows.

The media claims perhaps she acted hatefully towards Jews because her ex-husband had Jewish relatives. The “Palestine” sticker on the assault rifle should give some indication as to her motive. Others say she acted hatefully towards Hispanics as she entered prior to a Spanish-speaking service. No one is discussing how this happened in a church, and she intended to hunt Christians, hence why this story is receiving minimal coverage since Christians are not a protected class in America.

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