Soros Now Controls the Radio

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George Soros has acquired a 40% stake in Audacy, America’s second-largest radio network that broadcasts over 220 stations across the country. The man who openly meddles in global politics on behalf of the global elite pounced on the opportunity to purchase a large portion of the agency when it fell into bankruptcy, shelling out $400 million.

Soros purchased Vice Media last year for $350 million when it fell into bankruptcy, as his team is keenly preparing for the upcoming elections. George Soros and his son Alex openly discuss their plans to infiltrate politics. There is no conspiracy or theory here, as the Soros machine has explained their plans. Those outside the US may not realize that radio stations were one of the last platforms for conservative voices. Soros is taking over to stifle all dissent to make it appear that those on the right, half of America, is a fringe minority.


George Soros is 93 years old, and his heir, Alex, 38, is far more interested in politics than his father. Alex announced that he is dating Hillary Clinton’s longtime aide Huma Abedin. Talk about a match made in hell. Hillary Clinton had a close relationship with George Soros and welcomed him into Washington.

Alex Soros recently called for the assassination of the Democrat’s main, if not only, opponent, Donald Trump. Alex posted a picture of $47 dollars in cash next to an image of a bullet hole, subtly calling for a hit on the nation’s 47th president. Trump “either winds up in prison or he winds up in power,” according to the younger Soros.

The mainstream media is bought and paid for by the globalist elite. They determine what information the public may learn and have the power to deplatform anyone who speaks out against their agenda.

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