All posts in "Gold"

Cycles Why do They Exist?

March 6, 2017

Many comments have come thanking me for demonstrating that there is order hidden within this chaos. Yet, the underlying question is fundamental – Why do cycles exist? I suppose the real answer is the same reason why we exist. Cycles are the divine blueprint from which everything is constructed. It is a complex structure, but everything […]

Market Talk – March 2, 2017

March 2, 2017

The euphoria seen in the states followed on into Asia with the Nikkei returning almost 1% in today’s trading. The mood did not want to change from Wednesday, leading traders to think that many have finally thrown in the towel and are accepting that we are moving higher. The strange thing is the odds move […]

The Euro Crisis – Dow & Gold

March 1, 2017

The rumors are flying in France and the conservative candidate Fillon denounces a probe now into corruption. Fillon now vows to fight on to the end – not good for he has placed himself above the country making this personal. His top aide just resigned and Fillon was summoned to appear before investigators on March 15 to […]

Why Majority of Fund Managers Cannot Beat the S&P500?

March 1, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; The Mises Institute said “Martin Armstrong is one of the most famous economic forecasters alive” and others call you the legend. I have watched your numbers and timing targets. I bought the Gold Report in 2016 and to watch gold peak exactly to the day you highlighted years ago and in so many […]

Small Business was the Backbone of the Economy

March 1, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; My family have been lifelong democrats and operated a small local business. We were never in the multi-million dollar class, but always found ourselves considered to the the unholy rich. I remember Joe Biden saying that 90% of small business made under $100,000. Those are most likely individuals and not small business […]

Gold for the Close of February

February 28, 2017

QUESTION: Marty, you said towards the end of the bear market in gold, it will start to align with the stock market. Are we approaching that period since this has been gold and stocks both rising opposite of what the goldbugs have been forecasting? LWR ANSWER:  Yes. We are running out of time for the […]

Market Talk- February 27, 2017

February 27, 2017

A few stories over the weekend from a potential vote for Scotland to a Le Pen victory could create a “worse than Lehman” moment. Asian equity mood and markets reacted to nervous weekend press as they watched the GBP lose 0.5% (before a mid-day bounce) and watched most core indices lose close to -1%. The […]

Knee Jerk – Reaction – Temp Events

February 25, 2017

QUESTION: Hello, could you explain the differences between “Knee Jerk v Spike v Temp v Reaction Events” ? They are all Timing indications I guess? regards. ANSWER: When the computer is classifying something as a Knee Jerk high or low, it means it is a one-time-unit event. A Reaction High or Low has not penetrated the […]

Is it Safe to Store Gold in a Safe Deposit Box?

February 25, 2017

QUESTION:  Martin, Love your blog, especially your historical perspective. You recently responded to a viewer that we should take precious metals out of safety deposit boxes. Is there a reason for this? To my understanding the bail-in rules for banks in N.america put deposits and bonds at risk only? Thanks. ANSWER:  The contents of a […]

Why You Should Take Delivery

February 21, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Marty, I just read the latest blog post. Thanks for the advice re: hard assets. I’m wondering though about any asset which is not in one’s personal custody, i.e. stocks in street name. If we suffer a partial collapse don’t you think the banks and brokerages will suffer to the extent of a Bear […]

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