All posts in "Gold"

Market Talk – March 16th, 2016

March 16, 2016

With both Asia and European markets were in pretty much a waiting station ahead of the FED, so it is probably worth us heading straight to where the action started! Even the events of the UK Budget were almost removed with talks of,  “It could all change come June 23rd anyway” so why get too hot under the […]

Market Talk for Close – March 15, 2016

March 16, 2016

Asia closed mixed in a session dominated by central bank thinking and with the uncertainty of holding recent gains. The BOJ was vocal only in that they stated it was too early still to monitor the effects of the recent negative move. The JPY returned to previous highs and in late US trading Nikkei futures have dropped […]

Will Gold and Silver Become the Underground Currencies of the Future?

March 15, 2016

QUESTION: Martin … the reasoning behind goldbugs … advising people to buy gold to thwart the cashless society that govts will soon impose on us all.  Do you think gold and silver will become the underground currency of the alternative economy as people try to get around the official cashless economy or not? thanks Regards P ANSWER:They probably will […]

Market Talk – Pi Day – March 14, 2016

March 14, 2016

Quieter equity markets across the globe today with gains decreasing as we move from east to west. Core Asian markets saw returns today of around +1.5% each but the week is to be dominated by central bank activity. Today sees the start of the BOJ’s two-day meeting, but no change in rate is expected by […]

Canada Sold All Its Gold Reserves – Who Will be Next?

March 13, 2016

​ Question: Hello Martin, I saw a couple of days ago that Canada seems to have sold all its gold. Is it just a way to find short-term easy money? Or is it part of a global process to sell any tangible asset that the government could have ? I personally don’t think this to […]

The King of Wall Street Dies at 86 – John Gutfreund

March 11, 2016

The man who made Wall Street famous was John Gutfreund, which he always pronounced as GOOD-friend, has died at the age of 86 who became known as “King of Wall Street” back in 1985 for building the Investment Bank and bond trading house of Salomon Brothers into the number one underwriter in the world, the […]

Market Talk – March 10, 2016

March 10, 2016

The surprise rate cut by the New Zealand Central Bank earlier this morning spooked a few markets especially ahead of the ECB later in the day. The Nikkei liked the news which resulted in a +1.3% rally but that has been reversed after the wests reaction to the ECB this evening. In late US trading […]

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