All posts in "News"

Tony Blair Says Brits Should Now Rise Up and Revolt

February 17, 2017

In studying history, it is interesting to see that it is always the left which creates uprisings and tries to force their beliefs upon all others. Historically, the left is responsible for the murder of countless tens of millions of people beyond what anyone can count. Besides the intolerable American mainstream press who should be […]

When Sovereign Defaults Create a Depression

February 17, 2017

The 1840 Presidential Election took place in the midst of a great depression that was set in motion by State Sovereign Defaults after Andrew Jackson shut down the Bank of the United States, which acted as the central bank. There, the incumbent Democrat, President Martin Van Buren suffered a devastating loss to the new unified […]

When Real News is Attacked by Government – The End is Near

February 17, 2017

The Deutsche-Wirtschafts-Nachrichten (DWN) has been under attack by politicians in Europe for reporting the truth. DWN editor Michael Maier has sent a sharp protest to the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker. The EU had accused DWN of spreading Russian propaganda with a fake report. Anyone who disagrees to the politics of the EU is […]

Market Talk- February 16, 2017

February 16, 2017

It was a mixed story in Asia today with the Nikkei still cooling after its recent performance, but given Toshiba’s performance, -3.5% again today – having missed its publishing deadline, certainly did not help confidence. The Nikkei ended the session down almost 0.5%, but we do have the Tankan to be released later this evening; […]

Student Loan Petition to White House

February 16, 2017

REQUEST:  Dear Mr. Armstrong: I am trying to discharge student loan in the bankruptcy court, and it is very tough battle. I am in the situation that it is all out war with the U.S. Department of Education. I have been reading your blog for more than a year now and found that we have […]

Fed & Its Balance Sheet

February 16, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; At the WEC you said the Fed would allow its balance sheet to eventually shrink, it was trapped and could not sell off its holdings. Yellen seems to have come out and said the same thing. Is this advice you have given in Washington? XM ANSWER: What Yellen has said is that the […]

Brussels Circumvented the Legal Rights of Citizens in EU

February 16, 2017

  On January 18, 2017, new rules governing the seizure of bank accounts in the European Union went into effect (The EU Regulation No 655/2014 of May 15, 2014). This regulation sought to circumvent the independent legal rights of people, denying them the right to be heard in a court of law in their own country. This […]

The Dow 2-15-2017 – Looking Ahead

February 16, 2017

A lot of people are scared to jump into the US share market. Some who have been regular investors write: “THIS MARKET SCARES ME!” They are getting vertigo. Yes, the old saying what goes up also goes down is keeping a lot of regular traders seating bullets. They cannot handle these levels and do not […]

Market Talk- February 15th, 2017

February 15, 2017

Following from the constructive message the market was hearing from the FED, the Nikkei regained the 1.05% it lost yesterday. This proved to be an impressive performance when considering Toshiba shares dropped 9% amid a potential book write-down of $6.3bn to its US nuclear unit. Hang Seng built on yesterday’s gain adding another +1.2% reaching […]

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