All posts in "News"

2000 Refugees Sexually Assaulted 1200 German Girls on New Year’s Eve

July 12, 2016

The refugee crisis in Europe is a real nightmare and the politicians are desperate to hide what is going on. The first incident of sexual assault that finally made the world news was in Cologne, Germany, on New Year’s Eve. Now, a leaked document has surfaced reporting that 2,000 men assaulted and raped 1,200 girls […]

Since When are Pakistani Boys Qualified Refugees from Syria?

July 12, 2016

The cover-up of refugees assaulting Swedish girls continues. Police are protecting politicians who refuse to admit what they have done. If you were of any other origin, you would be thrown in prison. Refugees are just ignored and the girls, some as young as 15, are blamed. Now, one girl who is just 17  has spoken […]

Market Talk — July 11, 2016

July 11, 2016

After Abe’s comment this was an awesome day for the Nikkei and laid the ground for Asia markets combined. A 4% rally for Japan with a 1.5% improvement for the Shanghai whilst Hang Seng made just a marginal improvement. The Upper House elections saw Japan’s Abe party secure a landslide victory in the Sunday election which promised […]

Banking Panic in Italy

July 11, 2016

We have reports from readers in Italy that ATM machines are being emptied. A run on banks is beginning in Italy.

Civil Unrest Explodes in Berlin: Over 3500 People Riot Against Police

July 11, 2016

Civil unrest is exploding. The biggest and most violent protest in Germany erupted in Berlin over the weekend, exactly with our models calling for an explosion in civil unrest. Some 1800 police were called in and at least 120 policemen were injured in what became a street battle. This has been the most aggressive and violent […]

US Share Market For Week July 11th

July 10, 2016

Despite the bears, the US share market continues to press against new highs. The Cash S&P 5oo closed at 212990 after reaching 213171 intraday. The record high remains the week of May 18, 2015, when it reached 213472 closing at 212606. The highest weekly closing was the week of July 13, 2015, at 212664.  Therefore, […]

US Share Market Retesting the Major Highs

July 10, 2016

Despite the bears, the US share market continues to press against new highs. The Cash S&P5oo closed at 212990 after reaching 213171 intraday. The record high remains the week of May 18th, 2015 when it reached 213472 closing at 212606. The highest weekly closing was the week of July 13th, 2015 at 212664.  Therefore, we […]

Australia Creates Domestic Violence Tax

July 10, 2016

The politicians in Australia know how to shove a tax through that they can flip on anyone who opposes it. Australia is now implementing a “domestic violence tax” whereby they will charge every household $30 annually to create a fund to help victims of domestic violence. There were about 124.6 million households in the United […]

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