All posts in "News"

The Other Side of a Phase Transition

April 16, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Marty, Whether in a Phase-transition or a Slingshot Move in the Dow, you made it very clear that such moves will be driven by capital inflows to the USA due to the alternative flight to quality to the private sector, both internationally and domestically. It is now just so obvious, it is unfolding […]

Market Talk – April 15th, 2016

April 16, 2016

It really should be no surprise to people that we saw some retracement after a 3.3% rally in a day. That is exactly what we saw today in the Nikkei after yesterdays euphoria. Most dealers were hoping China’s GDP release was going to provide the end of week support for the markets but that failed […]

Influence – Does it Matter?

April 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; A lot of people claim to have contacts in high places, but they seem to delude themselves and others. I have been in Washington and saw you at lunch meetings with chiefs or staff of several politicians in ————- one of the most exclusive spots only for members of Congress. I have been […]

IRS Helps Illegal Aliens use Stolen Social Securities Numbers

April 15, 2016

  One of the reforms we have presented in our Solution is why income taxes have become obsolete and should be eliminated. The only people who pay income taxes are citizens and green card holders. Illegal aliens need not apply. Elizabeth Warren has introduced an idea that would allow U.S. taxpayers to have the government do their taxes […]

Cruz losing Support of Fellow Republicans

April 14, 2016

Proof that Ted Cruz is very much disliked among Republicans was demonstrated over the Planned Parenthood issue. Cruz is being ignored in Congress. On Monday night, Republicans ignored Cruz’s attempt to disrupt Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s efforts to fund the government without attacking Planned Parenthood. This incident demonstrates that Cruz would not have the support of his […]

A Song That Explains Life & the Battle we All Face Even as a Society

April 14, 2016

What we all face ahead is a struggle. It will take courage and understanding to survive. How our story ends is yet to be seen. All we can do is recognize what is at stake and stand firm with our arms wide open facing the sun of freedom for us and our posterity. Sometimes it […]

Bank Stocks – Stay FAR FAR AWAY

April 14, 2016

COMMENT: Marty, you hit the nail on the head. Nobody looks at these fines against the banks as you have. You are right. The shareholders pay the price to keep the bankers out of prison who still get their bonuses. It is one giant fraud upon the shareholder. They use the shareholder capital for personal insurance. […]

SEC & NYC Going Crazy on Contempt of Court Stay Out of NYC

April 14, 2016

Judge John Walker, Jr The Second Circuit back in March refused to reverse a contempt order imposed on an allegedly recidivist stock fraudster. What is amazing is Judge John Walker, Jr, Bush’s cousin,  grabbed his appeal and really abused his power. This guy should be driven from the court with tar & feathers like in […]

llinois to Tax Drivers 1.5 cents per mile they drive

April 14, 2016

llinois motorists are living in a bankrupt state that has promised pensions it never funded. Their state constitution bars the politicians from reducing the pensions so the net result, tax payers must pay a lot more to fund pensions of government workers. As oil prices have collapsed, tax revenues have dropped. The net result, the […]

Obama refuses to Prosecute Hillary to Help Democrats

April 14, 2016

The reason we seriously need a new Constitutional Convention is because the current one has been reduced to a scrap paper. President Obama’s outrageous suggestion that mishandling classified documents in the case of Hillary Clinton is not necessarily a criminal offense only serves to illustrate that this is purely politics. Hillary belongs in jail and […]

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