All posts in "News"

Clinton Speaking Fees Since 2001 Total $125 Million

January 26, 2016

Hillary will not release transcripts of her speeches at Goldman Sachs for which she was paid $675,000. The New York Times has reported that she has racked up $30 million in speaking fees in just 16 months. However, the total … →

The Calais Refugee Camp Known as the Jungle

January 26, 2016

Aerial view of a makeshift camp as containers (rear) are put into place to house several hundred migrants living in what is known as the “Jungle”, a squalid sprawling camp in Calais, northern France, January 17, 2016. REUTERS/Pascal Rossignol

Market Talk — January 25, 2016

January 25, 2016

Asia’s response to the late U.S. rally in stocks was to play catch-up this morning with all core indices closing up around 1% (roughly where they opened). The ASX followed the surge in oil prices with a gain of almost … →

Digging Out of Global Warming

January 25, 2016

Can you image how much snow we would get without global warming? They want to tax us to make more of this stuff? I will pay more not to dig myself out.

Advice for Europeans

January 25, 2016

Advice for Europeans: you should open an account in the United States as your hedge against European banking madness. Europeans can still open accounts in the USA, but Americans cannot open accounts in Europe. This should be the best bet … →

The Fed vs. Congress

January 25, 2016

QUESTION: Hi Martin, How long has the central banking era been going and will it come to an end? How many central banks create liquidity for governments by buying their bonds? Cheers SL ANSWER: I understand that central banks have been … →

The Insanity of Government & Socialism

January 25, 2016

I have warned that government expansion reduces economic growth and acts like a black hole that sucks in more and more wealth, thereby reducing economic expansion. If the government keeps growing, ultimately we will end up with 100% government consumption or … →

They Had No Answers at Davos

January 25, 2016

COMMENT:  Hi Marty, Found this on Reuters website in an article entitled ‘Desperate in Davos: policymakers struggle for answers’. The most interesting part was this: ‘At a lunch entitled “The End of Political Consensus”, there was broad agreement that … →

Four Video Updates for WEC Attendees

January 24, 2016

On the WEC forum, there are four video updates on forecasting for the following key markets: Currencies: Euro, Pound, Yuan Commodities: Metals DOW, DAX, Nikkei, etc. Crude Oil Update

French Prime Minister: “The European Project Can Fail…”

January 24, 2016

The French Prime Minister, Manuel Valls, said at DAVOS: “The European project can fail if we cannot resolve the security and the issue of refugees.” The idea behind the euro was that a single currency would expand the European economy … →

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