All posts in "Armstrong"

Market Talk — January 20, 2016

January 20, 2016

Well, today was fun! Asia suffered from the start with heavy selling across the board. Both the Nikkei and HSI closed down almost 4% with Shanghai losing just 1%. Most blamed the IMF down-sizing its growth forecast (from 3.6 to … →

Davos – The Collapse in TRUST

January 20, 2016

The most telling sign that we are heading into a real political economic shit storm is the fact that “TRUST” is collapsing on all sides. Obama is looking for any opportunity to disarm Americans. Why? This is simply because government is … →

Snow in Hong Kong? No Possible Way — Or Maybe?

January 20, 2016

Some people have asked why I bother to follow weather. I became a partner in a firm called Strategic Weather, known today as Planalytics, that is geared toward forecasting weather for business. I did long-term forecasting for the company. Their database … →

Market Talk — January 19, 2016

January 20, 2016

Overnight the Chinese data that the whole market was waiting for actually missed on the estimate (forecast was 6.9 but actual came in at 6.8) but all was forgiven after the PBOC injected more liquidity combined with rumours of additional … →

The Refugee Crisis is Tearing Europe Apart

January 19, 2016

The Cologne police are now defending themselves after revealing that they brought the problem of the refugees to Mayor Reker. Politicians are simply trying to cover up their mistakes at the expense of increasing the danger to the citizens of Europe … →

Germany Sending Refugees Back to Austria

January 19, 2016

Without warning, Germany has sent back the latest group of refugees to Austria. The Austrians are at a loss for what to do. A spokesman for the province of Upper Austria said, “From Germany it would be only fair that they … →

France in State of Economic Emergency

January 19, 2016

President Francois Hollande has publicly stated that the French economy is now in a state of “economic emergency.” He set out a €2bn job creation scheme in a desperate attempt to lift France out of an economic death spiral created by … →

Market Talk — January 18, 2016

January 19, 2016

The opening in Asia was the main discussion point for most dealers today. Oil hitting its lowest price ($27.65) since 2003, the Nikkei trading down 2% in the first 30 minutes of trading, and the Chinese raising the off-shore yuan … →

Germany Wants to Impose EU-Wide Tax to Pay for Refugees

January 18, 2016

German Finance Minister, Wolfgang Schaeuble, has called for a new EU-wide tax on petrol to pay for the refugee crisis that Germany has created. This is a EU-WIDE continental tax, not one limited to Germany. So now all Europeans must … →

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