All posts in "Armstrong"

Do We NEED Computers to See Beyond Our Own Hardwiring?

December 11, 2015

  One of the battles in trying to produce real analysis is our hardwiring. We naturally have an attraction toward repeating sequential and palindromic numbers or events that extend beyond what we consciously realize. This is our inherent hardwiring that … →

Gold & Dow Inflation Adjusted

December 11, 2015

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, you have said that gold adjusted for inflation has not exceeded the 1980 high. Have we exceeded the 1929 high in the stock market? Just curious KW Dow Jones Industrial in LOG Scale ANSWER: The 1929 high … →

Market Talk – December 10th, 2015

December 10, 2015

Japan opened weak following the poor close in the Dow yesterday especially having seen triple digit gains at one stage. Given that Hang Seng and Shanghai were both under pressure all day it was not a surprise all markets closed … →

Are Terrorists Smarter Than We Think?

December 10, 2015

According to information from The Guardian, there was a civil protection exercise in Paris that took place on the very day of the attacks –November 13, 2015. The pattern emerging is interesting. Back in 2005, on the very day of … →

Australia Raids Home of Touted Founder of Bitcoin

December 10, 2015

The Guardian reported that Australia raided the home of Craig Wright only hours after it was shared that he may be one of the founders of the cryptocurrency bitcoin. Of course, authorities also claim such raids are not related. But they ALWAYS … →

Market Talk – December 9, 2015

December 10, 2015

Hardly a day to write about with Asian equities not really showing any indications of a direction, let alone a story, for the day. All core indices closed +/- 0.5%; even to fabricate a rumour would constitute just that — a fabrication! … →

Euro Rally

December 10, 2015

QUESTION: Marty, I believe you said if the Euro closes below 10365 for the year then everything would fall apart. If it closed above 105, then the decline can be more prolonged. What is the bullish level to reverse the … →

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