All posts in "Armstrong"

Market Talk – December 3rd, 2015

December 3, 2015

Continued speculation that additional official support would be available next week in China supported the Shanghai Stock Index yet again. The strong close (of over +1.3% higher) in Asia has been short-lived as the events in Europe have reversed most, … →

Understanding Energy Models

December 3, 2015

QUESTION: Your energy model turned negative on the daily level just before the rally in the euro. That meant the market was then oversold if I understood your explanations. Thanks for a great conference PK ANSWER: Yes, the fact that … →

Euro & the Carry Trade

December 3, 2015

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, the rally in the euro and the failure to see a similar move in gold certainly makes this appear to be just a short cover rally. Correct? ANSWER: Yes. This illustrates just how big the short euro position … →

Euro Knee Jerk Reaction of Sell the Rumor Buy the News?

December 3, 2015

Mario Draghi at the European Central Bank (ECB) has moved as expected to try to force the Euroland into an economic recovery by cutting a key interest rate on the overnight deposit rate was cut from -0.2% to -0.3%, to … →

Why the Euro Is A Dead Currency

December 3, 2015

  I have been warning that government can do whatever it likes and declare anything to be be a criminal act. In the USA, not paying taxes is NOT a crime, failing to file your income tax is the crime. … →

Turkey Denies Russian Ships Access via Bosporus

December 3, 2015

What is becoming clear is that Turkey has most likely NOT acted alone against Russia. They have more likely than not fired the first shot in what may become World War III. Turkey has been buying the oil from ISIS … →

Thai Baht Preparing to Collapse?

December 3, 2015

The Thai government has taken steps toward the elimination of cash moving forward. Thailand is abandoning its ‘safe haven’ image. This is yet another step to drive capital to the dollar. (Note: this chart shows the Baht against the dollar so a … →

Market Talk December 2nd, 2015

December 3, 2015

Rumors between dealers that Chinese authorities could be about to introduce new incentives to boost property prices saw the Shanghai Index rally 2.3% in today’s trading. The Hang Seng closed marginally firmer also (+0.5%) but only a smidgeon in comparison. … →

The Institutional Conference

December 2, 2015

Yes the Institutional Conference next Spring will be priced at $10,000 per entity and will include a 2 week trial to that level of service.

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