All posts in "Armstrong"

If You Dance in a Bar in Brussels – You Must Pay a Tax

December 5, 2016

The patrons of Bonnefooi, a cafe in the center of Brussels, last week received an inspector of the City to visit. Who asked them to pay the “tax dance.” Yes you read correctly. Brussels has a “dancing tax” written in the 50´s and as the government needs money, they have “revitalized” this tax since 2014. For every […]

The War on Cash – One Giant Leap Forward For Government

December 5, 2016

The European Payments Council (EPC), a subdivision of the European Central Bank, is taking one giant step forward in their quest to eliminate all cash to increase taxes. They have gone ahead and set up the technical bases last week to enable the immediate payments system throughout Europe. One of the stumbling blocks has been the […]

Renzi to Resign – Italy Follows the Global Trend – Votes NO

December 5, 2016

We are witnessing what a Private Wave is all about. The Italian Referendum came in on point with the NO vote at  59.4% against 40.6%. Our model is now four for four with BREXIT, Trump, Hollande in France exiting the election, and now Italy. We will see the same defeat for Merkel. What politicians do […]

Run on Dallas Pension Fund – Mayor Asks To Suspend Withdrawals

December 4, 2016

mayor-rawlings The Mayor of Dallas, Mike Rawlings, sent a letter on the 29th asking for an immediate suspension of lump-sum withdrawals from the Dallas Police and Fire Pension Fund. There is a run on the pensions because people are realizing that there will be nothing there. The troubled pension fund will be insolvent by 2028 at […]

Every Household in California Owes $93,000 to Pay for State Pensions

December 4, 2016

Stanford University has been tracking the cost of pensions in California. So while there is a movement starting to separate from the United States especially since they wanted Hillary, California will soon fall on its face and then will be begging Washington for a handout. The real amount owed by every household in California to […]

Why Politics is So Important Right Now – Markets Depend On The Confidence

December 3, 2016

Our computer has been doing a fantastic job forecasting BREXIT, then Trump and that Hollande would not make the final round for elections in France. But why are these events even important? No it is not that Trump will save the day. He will perhaps help give the USA some breathing room. But the collapse […]

Propaganda – How Bad American Press Has Become

December 3, 2016

The release of Newsweek’s now famous Madam President before the election was decided is a mistake that is not intentional. “Dewey Defeats Truman” was another major mistake when the Chicago Daily Tribune on November 3, 1948, announced Truman lost to Dewey. The paper became famous when it was held up by Truman at a public appearance […]

Stein Exploiting the Great Divide between Left & Right Feeding the Cycle of War

December 3, 2016

Green Party donations reached $3.5 million for the election. Stein raked in $7 million+ for a recount that even Obama said was pointless. Stein will keep all the money not spent creating a huge windfall. More alarming, Stein is exploiting the great divide between left and right. All of this is warning that we are witnessing […]

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