All posts in "Armstrong"

Football in Decline

December 12, 2016

Many are now blaming Colin Kaepernick for the sharp decline in American football ratings. Kaepernick began kneeling during the national anthem in the NFL preseason as a protest of the injustices against people of color because of Trump as if he has done something. Kaepernick has continued to protest in every game this season. Now, more than […]

German Flirting Classes for Refugees

December 11, 2016

I previously reported that Germany was teaching refugees how to get lucky with German girls. The education effort is continuing. In class, one tried the line “I love you. Can I sleep over at your place?” The professional lines being taught are  “I really love the scent of your perfume,” or “You have a beautiful voice.” […]

Trump Picks Climate Change Skeptic for EPA

December 11, 2016

President-elect Trump’s appointment of Scott Pruitt is a major change from the Obama Administration’s insane EPA ‘climate’ regulations. Trump’s pick of Pruitt clearly means that he is standing up to the green establishment. Historically, EPA chiefs have all been just climate change advocates. Trump met with Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio who are Global Warming advocates […]

Fed to Be of Not to Be This Week – 14th

December 10, 2016

Today, any information ahead of something like a rate hike is seen as insider trading. But back during the 1970s going into 1981, things were different. The banks were not big proprietary traders. I would routinely get a call that the Fed would raise rates in 15 minutes. It was not that someone was trying […]

ECB To Extend its Bond Buying Program into End of 2017

December 10, 2016

Mario Draghi, extended the European Central Bank (ECB) $ 1.74 trillion bond purchase program to support the economy by nine months to at least the end of December 2017. This is far longer than most economists had expected. However, the monthly volume of currently €80 billion euros will drop to €60 billion euros from April 2017 […]

Market Talk – December 9, 2016

December 9, 2016

The euphoria created yesterday by the ECB continued in to Asia and especially Japan – again. The Yen has started to feel the heat as prices take out the 114 handle again and we make our way towards 115. The Nikkei closing the day up 1.25% has established a new high for the 2016. Producer […]

WEC in 2017

December 9, 2016

We apologize that we had to turn away more than 300 people this year because we held only one session instead of two. In 2017, we will go back to two sessions. We are hoping to find accommodation in Hong Kong during May after the French elections and then we will go back to Orlando […]

Gold Headed Lower Under $1,000 into the Abyss

December 9, 2016

India is moving now to confiscate gold after going after the cash. Currently, each married woman is entitled to 500 grams, each unmarried woman 250 grams, and each man 100 grams of gold. Everything that goes beyond is classified as illegal possession and thus will be confiscated. There is no restriction on the possession of […]

Polls in Netherlands Show Political Upset in the Wind

December 9, 2016

Geert Wilders’ Freedom Party soars ahead in polls and would win if the election were held today in the Netherlands. The political world is still in denial. Discussions circulating on Capital Hill are taking the route that Reagan was an outsider, so they just have to train Trump how this has to be done. Around […]

US 30-Year Bonds — the Party Is Over

December 9, 2016

On July 11, 2016, the 30-year bond peaked on the nearest futures at 177110. The 30-year Treasury yield fell to 2.088%, and on that day, the Swiss government actually found some real suckers to buy 50-year bonds at negative yields out to 2076. The buyers will not be around to experience the official default, so […]

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