All posts in "Armstrong"

The Fed & the Future

December 16, 2015

While everyone seems to be placing a huge question on whether the Fed will raise rates or not, the markets have already factored in the rate rise for some time. The Fed was scheduled to raise rates in June, but the … →

Financial Instability & the Fed

December 16, 2015

The argument that the Fed should do nothing because it will be harder to correct a rate rise than to do nothing because there is no bubble anywhere, demonstrates that we have the most serious BUBBLE in history. Retail participation in markets … →

Why Europe Will Collapse: Schultz’s Outrage at Poland

December 16, 2015

A huge protest against the Europe Union has taken place in Poland. When I was there, everyone I spoke to was against joining the euro. They all said that the euro would destroy Poland as it did in Greece and … →

Market Talk – December 15th, 2015

December 15, 2015

All Asian markets failed to show positive signs but it was the Nikkei that was probably more of a concern, having rejected the 19k figure despite a strong open and morning session it eventually closed -1.65%. Core Europe saw a … →

Le Pen Vows: “Nothing Can Stop Us”

December 15, 2015

Marine Le Pen and her Front National (FN) Party did not win the Sunday elections. She replied: “Nothing can stop us.” Indeed, the cyclical trend in politics will turn ever more nationalistic as the EU continues to crumble from within. Le … →

Subjective Analysis

December 15, 2015

QUESTION: Marty, it has become obvious that the analysts who try to attack you personally are the very people who hurt so many for they forecast only on opinion. They are often wrong and never see the big picture. One even … →

My Cyclical Approach

December 15, 2015

QUESTION:  Marty, I just watched ‘The Forecaster’ on demand, I just wanted to say it was an exceptional movie. I really enjoyed seeing your story played out, and following your journey to the discovery of pi in economic cycles. As … →

Market Talk – December 14, 2015

December 14, 2015

A mixed session in Asia in what was very much an overhang from Friday’s session but also very weary of the Fed in two days time. It is interesting that European equities continue to trade heavy (DAX, CAC, FTSE -1.75%) … →

The First Christmas Tree in NYC, 1931

December 14, 2015

The first Christmas tree in NYC was erected in 1931 during the worst year of the Great Depression. During this time, almost all of the foreign sovereign bonds defaulted on Americans and caused massive bank failures. The first tree was … →

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