All posts in "Armstrong"

Bernie Betrays all is Supporters

June 9, 2016

Of course Bernie Sanders appears to have sold out emerging from a White House meeting with President Barack Obama vowing to work together with Hillary Clinton to defeat Donald Trump in November. Bernie would rather endorse a traitor who has sold her influence as Secretary of State just to save the Democratic Party. Obama assured Bernie, […]

Euro – June 9, 2016

June 9, 2016

As the BREXIT vote nears, capital is starting to jockey for position. The euro has made an outside reversal far to the downside on a daily basis, and it is now likely that the week of May 30th will see the highest weekly closing at 11362. At the time of this posting, the euro has […]

Britain’s Ice Age Is Unfolding

June 9, 2016

Britain is moving into an Ice Age and energy prices are rising, for the U.K. is as cold today as it was in December. This cold period has sent heating costs in Britain to their highest levels in six months.

S&P 500 is Really Cheap

June 9, 2016

COMMENT: Dear Martin, Another element that strongly supports your view is that US equities will fly at some point in the future. If you take the trailing 10y avg real earnings yield from S&P500 (you can easily get them from Shiller’s site) and you normalise it by the 10 year US yield you get the attached […]

Can the USA Break Apart Legally?

June 9, 2016

Within the US Federal Constitution, there is what many refer to as the Republican Guarantee Clause of Article Four; Section 4; Clause 1: Obligations of the United States Federal Government: The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government… This Republican Guarantee Clause has long been at the forefront of the […]

Oklahoma Police Can Seize Your Entire Bank Account on a Traffic Stop Without Any Charges

June 9, 2016

    The one state that has gone complete anti-democratic is Oklahoma. It is wise not to travel in that state at all. Oklahoma should be on a no-fly zone. Now, Oklahoma police can outright seize everything you have from debit cards to bank accounts on a traffic stop without any criminal charges being filed. If some policeman thinks you’re doing […]

Saudi Arabia Banning Short Selling Against the Currency Peg

June 8, 2016

Saudi Arabia has banned financial products that amount to a short position against the riyal. The measure indicates the high degree of attack that the peg is starting to come. The government has announced a wave of layoffs in the public sector. This is an absolute first. The Middle East was considered beyond economics because of oil. Everything is […]

Market Talk — June 8, 2016

June 8, 2016

Asia did not provide much direction overnight as core indices were pulled in either direction. The Nikkei was the top performer, closing just under 1% better having spent most of the day in negative territory. The JPY strengthened as the day progressed but has just retraced much of that and is closing around mid-range for […]

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