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The Numbers are the Numbers

December 29, 2015

QUESTION: Dear Marty, You have put your numbers out there for all to see for year end. Can they manipulate the closing due to thin markets, then reverse them to try and make you look bad? Thank you. Best, TD ANSWER: … →

The Dow for Year-End — Will it All Just Go Nuts for 2017?

December 29, 2015

The Dow Jones Industrials still remains in a bullish posture on a broader perspective. The real critical support will lie at 16500 and the Panic Support is well below the market at 13100. Panic Support is the level, if breached … →

Australia Cannibalizing its own Economy

December 29, 2015

The Australian Tax Office (ATO) has applied for access to everything to hunt for money. They want access to phone calls, emails, posts, and SMS text messages. We have verified this with several sources. Like Rome, Australia is cannibalizing its … →

The Insanity of the Housing Market

December 29, 2015

QUESTION: Marty, What is the answer to affordable home ownership? Here in Australia the tax incentive called negative gearing introduced during Paul Keating’s reign – to make rents cheaper has not really made rents cheaper and has caused residential property … →

Saudi Arabia Announces Fiscal Deficit of $135 Billion

December 29, 2015

Yesterday, Saudi Arabia announced that 2015 would produce a budget deficit amounting to $135 billion (367 billion riyals). A royal decree, effective on Tuesday, will increase petrol prices by 50%. This will only bring gasoline to 33 cents (0.90 riyals) … →

Market Talk — December 28, 2015

December 28, 2015

Holiday volume and poor order flow was the name of the game today and can probably be expected for the rest of the run into New Year. In Asia, China’s Shanghai lost 2.5% whilst the Nikkei made a small gain … →

China to Stimulate by Cutting Taxes

December 28, 2015

China is demonstrating that it is more practical than anyone else in the industrialized world. They have announced that they will “reasonably” set limits on new local government debt in 2016. Finance Minister Lou Jiwei said at a work conference … →

The Conspiracy of Collapse

December 28, 2015

QUESTION:  Hi Mr Armstrong, I’m still an avid reader of your blog. A question occurred to me when I read your article on vulture funds. Do you think that it is possible that a general failure of the economy is … →

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