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Revolution v Civil War

December 26, 2023

A revolution cannot be used interchangeably with “civil war.” For you see, a civil war occurs when the people are divided and fight one another; a revolution occurs when the people join forces and overthrow the government. As indicated in the Oxford dictionary: Revolution – a forcible overthrow of a government or social order, in […]

What Kind of American Are You?

December 26, 2023

This new movie coming out in the Spring of 2024 by A24 will be a blockbuster. The line “What kind of American are you?” is such a profound question that illustrates the deep division within this country. Historically, the army will split and choose sides. The proposition of the Great Taking is really a misconception […]


December 25, 2023

Just as the Nativity story unfolds with a sense of anticipation and promise, the financial world too experiences its own cycles that we explore together every day on this blog. We have witnessed seasons of abundance and periods of restraint akin to the volatility in the markets. Through it all, the message remains clear — […]

Wikipedia’s Definition of a Woman?

December 23, 2023

      Wikipedia has degenerated into nothing but a government propaganda avenue. Here was their definition of a woman with the photograph of the transgender Rachel Levine, Biden’s 17th Assistant Secretary of Health. Apparently, this offended so many that Wikipedia removed this page and replaced it with the following. The mere fact that they […]

It All Depends on the Military

December 22, 2023

QUESTION: Do you think we will enter a civil war? FD ANSWER: I do not think that we will be in civil war, but we do have to understand if any state tries to succeed, it could turn to violence based on precedent. Everything will depend on the military. If they turn on the people, […]

Civilian Always Die in War – War is Hell

December 22, 2023

COMMENT: You overlook all the civilians being killed in Ukraine and in Palestine. LS ANSWER: As they say, history is written by the victor. I do not know what planet you are from, but I have said MANY times that typically, an equal amount or more civilians die in war than soldiers. It does not […]

The 1860 Election – Lincoln Was Also Left Off the Ballot

December 22, 2023

Did you know Abraham Lincoln was also absent from the ballot in 1860? Ten Southern states failed to issue ballots on behalf of the Republican candidate because he was opposed to slavery. When that was not enough to prevent a Lincoln victory, his opponents had him assassinated. Now back then political parties issued ballots across […]

Christmas Spending in the US to Break Records

December 22, 2023

Americans are planning to increase their holiday spending this year, according to a Gallup poll, which believes Christmas spending in 2023 will be the highest on record since they began collecting data in 1999. The average American estimates they’ll spend on Christmas or other holiday gifts is $975, which is up from last year’s estimate […]

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