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Market Talk June 16, 2016

June 17, 2016

Many blamed the BOJ for today’s Nikkei decline, for not announcing additional stimulus measurers, but for whatever reason we found ourselves 3% lower on the day. We have recovered much of this in late US trading but admittedly – it did not look pretty for the cash market. The flight to quality led as usual […]

Gold Crashing June 16, 2016

June 16, 2016

QUESTION: Marty; This pop in gold smells like another manipulation. Everyone was saying Soros is selling everything and buying gold. They seem to have gotten the bugs buying with two hands again and they sold it to them. When will these games end? Ever? ANSWER: No professional trader would EVER divulge his position unless he […]

British MP Assassinated as Tensions Rise over BREXIT

June 16, 2016

British Labour politician Jo Cox, who was against BREXIT, has been assassinated. A gun-wielding man fired twice, and kicked her as she was lying on the floor while shouting “Britain first!” This is warning what our computer has been projecting; if the BREXIT vote fails, there will be a serious rise in violence in Britain. We will […]

Dow Update June 16, 2016

June 16, 2016

https://www.armstrongeconomics.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/Dow-UpdaTE-6-16-2016.mp4 The Dow was doing well with the prospect of a rate hike until the Jobs Report. While on the one hand it appears that the Dow has declined because the Fed failed to raise rates, there is something else lurking behind the curtain. The Reversals are working perfectly defining where trends breakout and where […]

A Reader’s Comment on the Problems with Safe-Deposit Boxes

June 16, 2016

COMMENT: I am an attorney in Texas. We have been advising clients NOT to use safe deposit boxes for years. Examples are: We had a client involved in a multiparty suit. I got a court order and sent somebody over to a decedent’s safe deposit box with witnesses and a video camera. The bottom of […]

Wayne Swan Rewrites History to Support Living Off of Other People’s Money

June 16, 2016

It is truly amazing how biased socialists are to the point that they just want to rob anyone who has more than they do and rewrite history to further their political agenda. Wayne Swan, former deputy prime minister of Australia, wrote a political piece for the Guardian that is total rubbish with the heading: “Cutting corporate tax won’t create jobs. […]

The Accountability Act

June 16, 2016

A lot of people have asked what my platform would be if I ran for president. Aside from eliminating the income tax and imposing term limits upon Congress (one time and you are out), I would champion the Accountability Act. The Inspector General’s report clearly shows Hillary should be charged under 18 U.S. Code § 2071, […]

Is the Fed Losing Credibility?

June 15, 2016

The Federal Reserve pushed back plans to raise its benchmark short-term interest rate, which was widely expected following the Jobs Report. Yet, this was not a credible day for the Fed in the least as they are starting to appear confused and schizophrenic. Fed credibility is beginning to create a crisis behind the scenes that is […]

Market Talk — June 15, 2016

June 15, 2016

It just felt like most of the day today was waiting around for the FED meeting this evening and I am sure tomorrow we will be saying the same about BREXIT next week! For Asia, the initial concern was that China did not make the MSCI Index. However, all fears were rejected after the first […]

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