Volcanic Activity on the Rise

January 16, 2025


VOLCANOES Y Chart 11 29 22

QUESTION: You have opened my eyes to the fact that volcanoes. I believe your computer was forecasting a rise in volcanic activity starting in 2025. Do you have any data that can suggest the risk from the supervolcano at Yellowstone?


VOLCANOES Y Array 11 29 22

ANSWER: The Yellowstone supervolcano in Wyoming is one of Earth’s most potent volcanic systems. Known for its catastrophic eruptions in the distant past, it remains a natural wonder for tourists and keeps scientists on their toes. Recent studies have revealed subtle but intriguing activity deep beneath its surface, prompting questions about the volcano’s future behavior.

The data is too vague to make an accurate forecast. We know there were pretty sizeable rhyolitic lava flows in the caldera between 180,000 and 70,000 years ago. That does not help with a cyclical model. We can see evidence that a very steep caldera wall, 500 m tall, formed when the eruption of Lava Creek was estimated to be about 640,000 years ago. The thick West Yellowstone rhyolite lava flow was part of the 110,000 years ago, and the Nez Perce Creek flow erupted 160,000 years ago.

The historical data for Yellowstone is not sufficient to create a forecast. We must correlate this with regions where we have more data.

Naples Super Volcano 1024x551

There are a number of Supervolcanoes around the world, and perhaps the most recent one to erupt was in Italy. The BBC and the Discovery Channel story on Yellowstone 2005 popularized the term Supervolcano. According to the United States Geological Survey (USGS), a supervolcano is any volcanic center that has explosively erupted at least 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) of fresh volcanic material in a sudden, violent manner – in a so-called supereruption – often producing a huge depression crater named a caldera. Italy’s Campi Flegrei volcano has been showing signs for the first time in nearly 400 years that it is still alive and well and capable of making many people experience a very bad day.

Aside from Yellowstone, the largest volcanic eruption in the Northern Hemisphere in the past 100,000 years has been attributed to a Supervolcano, which erupted some 39,400 years ago in what is known as the Phlegraean Fields by Naples, Italy. This has been documented from several sources. The ashes from this eruption were distributed over the entire eastern Mediterranean and up to central Russia. This colossal event also produced a Volcanic Winter, the worst thing for the rest of the world, which resides at a safe distance from the actual Supervolcano.

We are witnessing a rise in volcanic activity as we enter solar minimum. Hopefully, we are not facing a catastrophic volcanic winter period. However, it also raises concerns that a pole shift can be far more rapid than previously anticipated. I believe that people prefer to assume uniformity rather than a catastrophe. A stalagmite-based paleomagnetic record of the post-Blake excursion reveals details of repeated polarity drifts that have occurred during periods of low geomagnetic field intensity at 100 thousand years before present around the time of this Naples eruption. One surprisingly abrupt centennial reversal transition occurred in 144,000 provides unprecedented evidence that raises fundamental questions about the speed of geomagnetic field shifts. Such rapid polarity changes could severely affect satellites and human society if the current geomagnetic field intensity decreases.

We have a pole shift, climate change, and volcanic eruptions that seem to be correlated. Our correlation models have warned that this is something that needs to be investigated. For the first time, laying out this record produces what appears to be a single geological archive, creating a precise chronological order. These types of events can take place in the space of even just a single decade.

The recent events at the Campi Flegrei volcano have, for the first time in nearly 400 years, provided a warning sign. The ground at the center of the caldera has bulged up by 4 meters, warning that lava is collecting once again. This uplifting curiosity began in 1985 with this ECM wave. Since July 2024, there has started to be a swarm of earthquakes, which is never a good sign. Vesuvius’s two most recent eruptions were 1875–1906 and again 1913–1944. There is a cyclical risk of this rising again between 2025 and 2030.


catacomb 1

Keep in mind that the eruptions at the Supervolcanic level took place around 315,000, 205,000, 157,000, and 18,000 years ago. A minor event is still at the level of Vesuvius as in 79AD – nearly 1850 years ago. So, while we no doubt face a major Supervolcanic event, we may see major volcanic events that are still not at the supervolcano level. Anyone who has visited Rome has most likely visited the catacombs. These underground tunnels are volcanic in nature and around Rome, mainly consisting of a variably soft stone called tuff (tufa). This was soft enough terrain that was well suited for catacomb burial. It was relatively easy to dig tunnels for galleries. All of this is from this region of the Naples and the supervolcano.


DEI Indoctrination Shapes Students’ Political Views

January 16, 2025


Educators throughout the nation have been pushing Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) programs. Rarely has the system stopped to consider how the students feel about such measures. College Rover conducted a study that found DEI measures are influencing students’ political leanings and sometimes increasing racial bias in the classroom.

We can expect the study to be skewed as students aim to please educators with the “right” answers; therefore, they must be left. Around 30% of college students who participated said that DEI measures influenced their voting preferences and political views. Around 15% said DEI was shoved down their throats as early as middle school, a number that certainly increased in recent years as a result of divisive politics. Nearly half (49%) said they are more open to “diverse perspectives” after undergoing DEI education.

From pre-teen to young adult, two in five students in the US have taken a class that specifically focuses on gender, race, or identity. About 57% said the training or indoctrination made them more aware of systemic barriers or inequalities. Another 54% said that the programming has shaped their perspective on equality and social justice. Another 53% understood the message that they were either privileged or discriminated against.


Not everyone is receptive. One in 10 students reported feeling uncomfortable discussing gender, sexual identity, or race in the classroom. Those students reported that they feared being misunderstood. The fact of the matter is that one could not have a dissenting opinion without backlash. Grades are at risk if they disagree. One of my employees who attended university 10 years ago told me that she was forced to hand in reports from the perspective of a liberal to avoid having her grades lowered, and that was before the whole gender identity issue or DEI measures came into play.

Rutgers University conducted a study that found that sound DEI initiatives can increase hostility and division among students. “The prominent ‘anti-oppressive pedagogy’ in DEI programming can carry perceived rhetorical threats for those whose politics or other beliefs run counter to the fundamental premises of the critical paradigm from which the pedagogy derives,” the report found. Anyone who holds a dissenting belief is labeled “oppressive, racist, or fascist” in front of their peers.

“Across all groupings, instead of reducing bias, [DEI trainings] engendered a hostile attribution bias (Epps & Kendall, 1995), amplifying perceptions of prejudicial hostility where none was present, and punitive responses to the imaginary prejudice,” the scholars stated.

Lee Jussim, a Rutgers psychology professor and one of the report’s authors, stated to Campus Reform that even those when academia were “met by academic outrage mobs” if they questioned DEI programs. They explained that journals would refuse to publish any articles or studies critical of DEI, or they would be pressured to retract any published studies that were not in alignment with the agenda.

Teachers spend a semester or a year insisting, causing discord between students. These students are privileged and should feel ashamed for their race or gender, but these students should fall into a victim mentality and feel anger toward their peers. Take tests and submit reports reaffirming the school’s belief on DEI throughout the entirety of your education. Public education has become an indoctrination center for the left to shape young minds as they see fit.

Spain Introduces 100% Real Estate Tax for Non-EU Residents

January 16, 2025


Governments worldwide are at a loss on how to solve the housing crisis. Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez of Spain believes placing a 100% tax on properties purchase by non-European Union residents will solve the crisis. He’s wrong.

“The West faces a decisive challenge: To not become a society divided into two classes, the rich landlords and poor tenants,” Sánchez said. An estimated 700,000 properties sold throughout the nation in Spain, the second-highest volume of sold homes in over 15 years. Non-EU residents accounted for a mere 27,000 home purchases. News outlets like BBC are stating that foreigners composed 15% of the Spanish housing market in 2023 but they are also including EU residents who will not be burdened by this tax. The German and French, for example, are large purchasers of properties in Spain.

The government has not said when this will go into effect. What they fail to realize is that the average real estate investor may purchase a handful of properties and rent a few out. They are not buying anywhere near the level of massive funds like BlackRock who have taken over the residential real estate market globally in recent years. The government is not calling out these funds because they partner with them to create new housing, student residences, and co-living options. BlackRock and others can be considered a necessary evil to some extent as there is a severe housing shortage in comparison to demand. However, the president said he wanted to target those looking to profit from real estate but failed to target actual investment funds. The government always targets higher net-worth INDIVIDUALS looking for passive income.


Then at the same time, Spain is eliminating a fast-tracked residency program called the “golden visa.” This program was intended to attract high-net-worth individuals who are able to spend a minimum of €500,000 on housing. These individuals would have paid taxes into the economy and likely intended to live there for a portion of the year, spending more money in Spain.

Let us not count out okupa laws that not only legally permit squatting, but it forbids homeowners from evicting squatters. Over 55,000 complaints regarding illegal occupation have been filed in the last four years. Not only are squatters permitted to stay in unoccupied housing, but the landlord has an obligation to keep the utilities on AND pay for them.

Open borders certainly are not helping, as 63,970 new migrants entered the nation last year, a 12.5% increase from the year prior. The government says they are curbing migration since figures are down from the 2018 high of 64,298, but nations, especially coastal nations, cannot truly calculate everyone who illegally enters.

No one in government will ever question, “Has this been done before? If so, what was the outcome?” Canada attempted to charge an albeit smaller 25% entry tax on real estate for foreign buyers, but good luck finding a home there. I believe these measures are simply smoke and mirrors. The concept appeases the people who are struggling to afford housing and the government can say that they attempted to combat the problem.

People Fleeing Meta Social Media Platforms

January 16, 2025


There is a call to delete META platforms in the wake of the TikTok ban that Mark Zuckerberg eagerly lobbied. The establishment blatantly controls mainstream media to the extent that countless outlets would like people to believe that the recent exodus of META users is due to Zuckerberg ending his widespread misinformation fact-checking centers. The people finally see that banning the last frontier for free speech is about government control.

Searches such as “how to delete all photos Facebook,” “alternative to Facebook,” “how to quit Facebook,” “how to delete threads account,” and “how to delete Instagram account without logging in” have increased by 5,000%. “How to permanently delete Facebook” reached a maximum score of 100 based on Google Trends, indicating that people are acutely interested in foregoing social media altogether. We would have seen a mass decline in X and TikTok users if people were concerned about “misinformation.”

Zuckerberg Washington

Furthermore, Red Note, the Chinese version of TikTok, has been the #1 downloaded app since the Supreme Court ruling. The government is shocked that the people did not simply leave in favor of US censorship. American youth in particular are willingly signing up for an app that is actually controlled by the CCP to defy the government. The entire premise for the ban has backfired.

The US government is the only entity concerned about “misinformation” or the public sharing ideas that may contradict the narrative. President Joe Biden manipulated Facebook/META before taking office and used the platform as a key propaganda tool before and during his failure of a presidency. “Telling the truth matters … it’s just completely contrary to everything America’s about. We want to tell the truth. We haven’t always done it as a nation, but we want to tell the truth … I think it’s really shameful,” Biden said in regard to Zuckerberg steering to community fact-checking.

Zuckerberg turned on the US government when his platform was under fire for violating the First Amendment. He testified under oath that Joe Biden and US intelligence services forced him to censor American voices.

Zuckerberg told Joe Rogan that the censorship peaked during the pandemic when people were desperately searching for the truth. “This hit the most extreme. I’d say it was during the Biden administration when they were trying to roll out the vaccine program. Now I’m generally pretty pro rolling out vaccines, I think on balance the vaccines are more positive than negative but I think that while they’re trying to push that program, they also tried to censor anyone who was arguing against it,” he stated.

T Shirt Afraid of Government

The masses are waking up in the post-COVID era and realize that the government is NOT there to help.

WE THE PEOPLE are no longer ignorant of the government’s control tactics. Quite frankly, everyone is absolutely fed up with the extreme lengths that the government has taken to stifle American voices. They first silenced conservative voices, and now they are silencing everyone with the TikTok ban under the guise of national security. Over 700,000 people thus far would rather willingly hand over their data to the Chinese Communist Party than allow their elected officials to silence them.

Can Anything Be a Store of Value?

January 16, 2025

Bitcoin M Tech 1 15 25

QUESTION: I understand that you dispute that cryptocurrency is a store of wealth because it is outside the central banks. Is this your position? Could you explain?

Respectfully submitted


ANSWER: Whoever made up this BS is most likely from the Deep State trying to control capital flows and economically imprison everyone. There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING that is a store of wealth. Looking, Investopedia defines this term:

“What Is a Store Of Value?

A store of value is an asset, commodity, or currency that maintains its value without depreciating. “

Private Assets Government Assets

It does not matter what money might be. There has been a boom and bust in every economy regardless of what they have used for money. This is an entirely Marxist Utopian idea. Why? Because to be some store of value means it CANNOT FLUCTUATE!!!!! This has stemmed from people who (1) do not understand that there are business cycles and (2) think, like Keynes and Marx, that the government can eliminate the business cycle and smooth out the economy. I had a conversation with Paul Volcker, former Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Paul admitted that the business cycle always won and that the “new economics” (Keynesian Economists) failed back in the 1970s (see his Rediscovery of the Business Cycle).

Burns Arthur

Arthur Burns, Fed Chairman, came up with the same conclusion when Bretton Woods collapsed: that the business cycle always wins. Everything rises and falls based on supply and demand. Anyone telling you that Bitcoin is a “store of wealth” is either outright lying to you or they are ignorant of what they are talking about. Nothing ever is a store of wealth because everything rises and falls.

This is why the central banks cannot control inflation, no less money supply. I you sell an office building for $1 million to another person in your country, the money supply is not impacted. However, if you are in Britain as back in 1985, when the pound fell to $1,03, Americans were buying up everything like it was on sale at Harrods. The Brits thought the Yanks were crazy buying at the top of the property market and they were wrong for everything boomed thereafter. Why?

Supply Demand

If I bought an office building in London at that time, I would have to bring in the cash from America, convert it to pounds, and buy the building. Thus, I increased the domestic money supply with important cash, and the central bank had nothing to do with that. NOTHING is a store of wealth EVER, no matter what it is, because everything will rise based on demand and crash when you can’t give it away.

Roman decline silver content monetary system Armstrong Waterfall effect

This is why empires rise and fall. Nothing has ever remained a flat line in terms of value.

Market Talk – January 15, 2025

January 15, 2025

Market Talk 2017

The major Asian stock markets had a mixed day today:
• NIKKEI 225 decreased 29.72 points or -0.08% to 38,444.58
• Shanghai decreased 13.82 points or -0.43% to 3,227.12
• Hang Seng increased 66.29 points or 0.34% to 19,286.07
• ASX 200 decreased 17.70 points or -0.22% to 8,213.30
• SENSEX increased 224.45 points or 0.29% to 76,724.08
• Nifty50 increased 37.15 points or 0.16% to 23,213.20
The major Asian currency markets had a mixed day today:
• AUDUSD increased 0.00335 or 0.54% to 0.62280
• NZDUSD decreased 0.00010 or -0.02% to 0.56115
• USDJPY decreased 1.462 or -0.93% to 156.494
• USDCNY increased 0.00489 or 0.07% to 7.34849
The above data was collected around 14:53 EST.
Precious Metals:
•  Gold increased 19.02 USD/t oz. or 0.71% to 2,694.36
•  Silver increased 0.82 USD/t. oz. or 2.75% to 30.661
The above data was collected around 14:57 EST.
The major Europe stock markets had a green day today:
•  CAC 40 increased 50.92 points or 0.69% to 7,474.59
•  FTSE 100 increased 99.59 points or 1.21% to 8,301.13
•  DAX 30 increased 303.35 points or 1.50% to 20,574.68
The major Europe currency markets had a mixed day today:
• EURUSD decreased 0.00144 or -0.14% to 1.02936
• GBPUSD increased 0.0015 or 0.12% to 1.22305
• USDCHF increased 0.00017 or 0.02% to 0.91272
The above data was collected around 14:58 EST.


US Market Closings:

  • Dow advanced 703.27 points or 1.65% to 43,221.55
  • S&P 500 advanced 107 points or 1.83% to 5,949.91
  • Nasdaq advanced 466.84 points or 2.45% to 19,511.23
  • Russell 2000 advanced 44.06 points or 1.99% to 2,263.29


Canada Market Closings:

  • TSX Composite advanced 200.72 pointss or 0.82% to 24,789.3
  • TSX 60 advanced 13.45 points or 0.91% to 1,486.04


Brazil Market Closing:

  • Bovespa advanced 3,388.29 points or 2.84% to 122,686.96
The oil markets had a green day today:
•  Crude Oil increased 3.075 USD/BBL or 3.97% to 80.575
•  Brent increased 2.563 USD/BBL or 3.21% to 82.483
•  Natural gas increased 0.1617 USD/MMBtu or 4.08% to 4.1297
•  Gasoline increased 0.0517 USD/GAL or 2.44% to 2.1701
•  Heating oil increased 0.0791 USD/GAL or 3.11% to 2.6244
The above data was collected around 15:05 EST.
•  Top commodity gainers: Natural Gas (4.08%), Crude Oil (3.97%), Brent (3.21%) and Lumber (7.70%)
•  Top commodity losers: Canola (-1.78%), Oat (-1.57%), Lead (-1.53%) and Sugar (-1.31%)
The above data was collected around 15:10 EST.
Japan 1.2560% (+1.19bp), US 2’s 4.28% (-0.108%), US 10’s 4.6620% (-13.1bps); US 30’s 4.88% (-0.096%), Bunds 2.5235% (-9.9bp), France 3.349% (-12.25bp), Italy 3.6840% (-15.05bp), Turkey 26.50% (+7bp), Greece 3.340% (-11bp), Portugal 2.968% (-12.7bp); Spain 3.200% (-13.3bp) and UK Gilts 4.7330% (-16.18bp)
The above data was collected around 15:14 EST.

Destroying the World Economy ASAP

January 15, 2025

World Economy 3

The two positions in life that require ZERO experience are (1) politician and (2) becoming a parent. We often hear blaming foreign buyers in real estate for the rise in prices. I listened to that in Miami, with all the foreigners buying condos, but I also heard in Florida how all these people from New England were buying up the East Coast, and the MidWesterners were buying the West Coast. In Canada, they blamed the Chinese for pushing up property values in Vancouver. In Singapore, it was turning ugly, with even protests against foreigners.

Peid Piper

The world economy expands and flourishes when we all get along. The problem today is that governments have abused their power following Karl Marx and this socialized agenda, believing in fairness and equality that not even God bestowed upon humanity. They follow Marxism blindly no matter how many times it has been proven to fail, for it is anti-religious and anti-humanity. We are equal only in rights – not in passions or talents. Some men find robust women attractive, others thin. Women, the joke is, prefer fixer-uppers compared to men, which is typically a yes or no. We are all simply not the same – sorry! Governments have abused this socialistic power, and capital normally flees.

The latest is the Spanish prime minister, Pedro Sánchez, announcing 12 reforms amid an ongoing debate over the impact of foreigners on local housing prices. The proposal is to introduce a tax rate for those outside the European Union (EU) who do not currently live in Spain, with a tax rate of up to 100% of the property value. Real estate purchases in Spain are subject to a 10% tax on newly-built homes and 6% on old properties. He is brain-dead. If this policy is imposed, housing prices will decline, which means RECESSION for people spending less when they think their house has declined.

Public v Private

As we move into 2032, more and more people are starting to realize that the problem we all face is government. There is ZERO hope of preventing this crash and burn. Not even Trump will be able to stop this trend largely because the SWAMP surrounds him, and people with self-interests preaching their own agenda have his ear. Capital is moving, and then you have to be mindful that the average person will blame foreigners, which becomes a prevalent response regardless of the culture or century.

1844 Phila Nativism Riot Againt Irish

In China, there was the Boxer Rebellion, which was an anti-foreign, anti-imperialist, and anti-Christian uprising in North China between 1899 and 1901. During the Hard Times of the 1840s, there were riots and gun battles against the immigrants coming in from Ireland in Philadelphia, taking local jobs and property.

Britannicus B 1

The Romans first invaded Britain in 55 BC under Julius Caesar, but it was not until the reign of Emperor Claudius in 43AD that a full-scale conquest was launched. He even named his son – Britannicus. Over the next few decades, the Romans gradually extended their control over the island, establishing a network of forts, roads, and settlements that would form the backbone of Roman Britain.

Queen Boudicca 61 AD. AR Unit

In 60-61AD, the Roman province of Britannia was shaken by a massive rebellion led by Queen Boudicca of the Iceni tribe. The Boudiccan Revolt, was an uprising also against foreigners nearly 20 years after Rome Conquered Britain.

Valens 1.5 Siliqua Head Left

This is a tiny list of examples of domestic civil unrest against foreigners. Immigration has often sparked major uprisings and the downfall of empires, nations, and city-states. As I have written before, Emperor Valens allowed the Barbarian tribes to enter the Empire. He even trained them in Roman military tactics, assuming he could boost his army against rising external threats. They came, they saw, they learned, but they did not assimilate. They then conquered and killed Emperor Valens on the battlefield.

1683 Siege of Vienna Medal

Our politicians have made the same mistake, especially in Europe. The previous attempt by the Muslims to conquer Europe was the Siege of Vienna in 1683. It is no exaggeration to describe the Battle of Tours, which took place on October 10, 732, as one of the single most important battles in European history. Charles Martel, the father of Charlemagne, saved Europe from the Muslim invasion. The exact location of the battlefield is unknown, but the fight occurred somewhere between Tours and Poitiers. It was a decisive battle in the Umayyad Caliphate’s invasion of Gaul. They were defeated by a combined Kingdom of the Franks force led by the legendary Charles ‘the Hammer’ Martel. There were two attempts to conquer Europe; this time, many wonder if the politicians made the same mistake as Emperor Valens.

History Repeats

Soros’ Open Society is nothing more than a fantasy. We ALWAYS decline economically when society divides and becomes fragmented. Just look at the Middle East. The people who live in Syria do not see themselves as Syrians first. They see themselves as tribal groups most delineated by religion. Allowing the influx of Muslims into Europe has not merely caused a major culture clash, as those who Valens let in also did not assimilate into Roman Society; this is the same process unfolding in Europe. Muslims who grew up in Europe were predominantly assimilated culturally, even though they retained their religion. This was no different from the Protestant vs Catholic, which at one time was a major confrontation throughout Northern Europe.

Julius Caesar divide and conquer

The influx of Muslims from the Middle East differs culturally from even Muslims born in Europe. This divides Europe and will contribute to the global decline in GDP, which we see up to 20% going into 2032. As Julius Caesar once said – Divide and Conquer/Rule.

Dems Profiting on California Tragedy

January 15, 2025

Newsom Gavin Governor

Politicians never shy away from using a tragedy for personal gain. Democrats like Gavin Newsom and Elizabeth Warren have been caught stealing donations intended for California wildfire victims and funneling them back into their Democrat Super PACs.

Newsom created a website to combat “misinformation,” another term for controlling the narrative, called CaliforniaFireFacts.com that redirects to the governor’s own website. Concerned citizens are encouraged to donate to the wildfire victims through Campaign for Democracy: “Your donation will go directly towards supporting the firefighters and the communities they serve, including direct financial support to impacted residents.”

One would assume that the donations would go directly to the people of California who lost everything. Think again. Who is processing these donations? ActBlue Carities, Inc., a 501 tax-exempt organization that is a political Super PAC for Democratic political candidates.


Elizabeth Warren also attempted to ask citizens to support a fund that would be split between the Los Angeles Fire Department Foundation and United Way of Greater Los Angeles. She claimed, “100% of your donations will go directly to these organizations.” Now we see precisely why Joe Biden and the establishment fear the removal of fact-checkers of misinformation from META. Community fact-checkers immediately called out Senator Warren for providing a link that would redirect a portion of proceeds to Act Blue. She could have provided links to the two organizations mentioned but maliciously attempted to secure a portion of public funds for personal interests. Claiming that 100% of donations would go to those charities seems like true misinformation, if not outright fraud.

Be wary of your donations, as the funds may be abused for personal use. Absolutely disgusting that the same people who failed to prevent this catastrophe are now dipping their dirty hands in money intended for charity.

Macron Considers Sending Troops to Ukraine

January 15, 2025

World War III Ahead

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and French President Emmanuel Macron have been collaborating on ideas to send French troops to Ukraine. “Today I spoke with the president of France. It was a rather long and detailed conversation. We discussed defence support – various forms of defence, arms packages for Ukraine,” Zelensky said earlier in the week.

The pair have also discussed partner contingents and joint military training. Macron has been discussing deploying troops for quite some time. Russian President Vladimir Putin threatened Macron last year, stating his troops would meet the same fate as Napoleon if they dared to enter the war.

“I have a clear strategic objective: Russia cannot win in Ukraine,” Macron said in May 2023. “If Russia wins in Ukraine, there will be no security in Europe. Who can pretend that Russia will stop there? What security will there be for the other neighboring countries, Moldova, Romania, Poland, Lithuania and the others?” he asked.

2024_06_01_Macron France_leads_initiative_on_sending_military_trainers_to_Ukraine

Again, the establishment neocons are using the same lie to claim that the war against UKRAINE is a war against all of Europe. All the evidence contradicts this claim but the neocons will not relent. North Korea sent troops, so why can’t France? France is a NATO nation and an attack on one is an attack on all. If any NATO member directly deploys troops to the battlefield, the war will escalate into a full battle between NATO and Russia. Allies would not permit French troops to die without stepping in.

“There will be no quick and easy solution in Ukraine,” Macron said in a speech to French ambassadors gathered at the Elysee Palace earlier this month. Macron then urged the United States to “help us to change the nature of the situation and convince Russia to come to the negotiating table.” Yet, every establishment puppet cowers when Trump discusses plans to actually end the war or the potential of surrendering portions of historically Russian territorial lands.

Every model in our computer indicates a turn of events come 2026 before a sharp turn in 2027. Whatever happens next year will be the prelude to what’s to come in 2027. The event appears geopolitical in nature as nearly every sector, currency, and nation will be affected. Perhaps Putin will be overthrown or die, and the true hardliners will take over Russia and fulfill the fears of the neocons. Perhaps another unforeseen event will happen that causes a worldwide calamity. War seems nearly inevitable.

Roman Coins – Denarii

January 14, 2025

Denarii Hoard

Many people have been asking if I can provide some coins to stimulate the interest of the youth. I will try to put some groups together. This denarii group ran the course from the 12 Caesars (69AD) with Vespasian to Severus Alexander (222-235AD). It may take a couple of weeks, but I will post it when they are ready.

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