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QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, I have followed you for three years. I can see why you are regarded as the world’s highest-paid advisor and have offices worldwide. You are also the only advisor not blocked around the globe. I want to ask what would be the fee to advise our government here __________________ ? I was told some pay you over $100 million annually. This is a time when your independence is greatly needed.
—– anonymous —–
ANSWER: Thank you very much for the inquiry. Because of this law in the USA 18 USC 951, accepting money from any foreign government necessitates registering as a foreign agent of that government. Let me make this very clear. I am willing to provide any advice for governments to help society. However, I cannot accept any money or a gift, including airfare or expenses. I cover my own costs and cannot accept anything in return. The law assumes I would be lobbying on behalf of a foreign government with the USA. While I do not engage in such activity, I cannot accept money or gifts from any foreign government, and to be fair, I also apply that rule to the United States. That way, everyone outside the USA will realize we maintain strict independence.
We are preparing several Institutional Reports on governments for 2025. You can subscribe to Socrates or buy reports, but I cannot charge for any direct advice whatsoever to any government.
Credit card defaults in the US skyrocketed by 50% in the past year. Credit card defaults reached $46 billion in the first nine months of 2024, a level not seen since 2010. The cost of living has simply surpassed manageable levels for the majority of households.
Americans are feeling the impact of inflation and compounding interest. The New York Federal Reserve found that credit card debt hit a record high in September 2024 after surpassing $1.17 trillion during Q3. The Fed also reported that household debt reached a high of $17.94 trillion, with mortgages ($12.59 trillion), autos ($1.64 trillion), and student debt ($1.61 trillion) composing most of the debt. Household debt has been rising for the past ten consecutive years, but now, the debt is simply out of control.
As of December 2024, the average APR was 24.43%. Buy now, pay later methods have seen an uptick in recent years. Donald Trump has proposed capping interest at 10%, a level not seen since the early 90s. Consumer debt has never been higher and countless households have fallen into a snowball situation where they simply accumulate more debt in a failed attempt to pay off the old.
Banks are naturally against this cap. Those in disagreement believe banks will be reluctant to lend and tighten their requirements. To some extent, that may not be a negative. Living within your means has completely changed under Bidenomics and everyone is adjusting to the new cost of living. In the meantime, people need to catch up to get back on their feet before the debt vortex sucks them into a hole that becomes nearly impossible to climb out of.
Consumers have been forced to pay for basic necessities on credit due to the astounding rise in prices for basics like energy, food, and rent. “While working Americans catch up, we’re going to put a temporary cap on credit-card interest rates,” Trump said at the rally in New York. “We can’t let them make 25 and 30 percent.” Now, Trump is proposing a temporary cap. We permit countless stimulus packages that never stimulate the economy and hand out funds recklessly to help those on hard times. Yet, no one has proposed temporarily capping credit card fees to give consumers time to pay off their debts. The banks are still profiting, albeit less.
Americans are drowning in debt and the White House can no longer ignore this heightening crisis. The banks may be against a cap, but absolutely no one will get paid if this debt is sent to collectors. Unfortunately, Trump’s tariff proposal will only steepen consumer costs if implemented. The Fed must stop lying to the public about inflation as essentials like shelter and food continue to rise. Bidenomics never addressed these issues and have allowed them to snowball into a full-on crisis. Once upon a time, a man could work a decent job, afford a home, family, and save for retirement comfortably. Now, dual-income households are working to barely stay afloat and drowning in debt for financing the essentials. It is time to focus on America and repair this nation to allow people to have a decent quality of life.
Hundreds of people took to the streets of Manhattan on New Year’s Day to demand an intifada revolution. The Palestinian Youth Movement, the Party for Socialism and Liberation and the People’s Forum forcibly continued the planned “protest” in the wake of two potential terrorist attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas. Why are we permitting pro-terrorist groups to take to the streets?
Free speech is one thing, but directly calling for violence on behalf of foreign nations is not permitted. If a right-wing organization held a “protest” of this nature, the media would swarm it bees to honey and deem it as extremist terrorism. Why is this (D)ifferent?
Aside from the obvious, we must look at who is funding the civil unrest. The Goldman Sachs Philanthropy Fund provided the Palestinian Youth Movement, the Party for Socialism and Liberation and the People’s Forum with $18 million in recent years. The group has a strong base at Columbia University and is responsible for numerous anti-Israel protests. People’s Forum co-executive director Manolo De Los Santos has called for the need to make “untenable for the politics of usual to take place in this country” and called for the university encampments to remain open as long as possible. He openly criticizes the Zionist rulers of Columbia University, and the group often holds pro-Marxist discussions to stir up unrest.
The People’s Forum reached out to U.S Senate Finance Committee chairman Ron Wyden (D., Ore.) and Ranking Member Mike Crapo (R., Idaho) to block the passage of H.R.6408 /S.4136 that would remove funded from any non-profits deemed to be terrorist organizations, claiming its origins were promoted by “anti-Palestinian bias.” The bill has yet to pass.
Goldman has been funding this organization for years. In 2018, they provided the group with $4,400,000 in funding after granting them $2,500,000 the year prior. The Chinese Communist Party has also been supporting this organization, but claims of foreign interference are silent. The New York Times reported that the People’s Forum is also funded by Neville Roy Singham, who has been linked to the Chinese Communist Party and its propaganda efforts.
“We will be here every single year for generation after generation until total liberation and return,” protesters shouted. America is being attacked from within. Foreign agencies have preyed upon the vulnerable youth and convinced them to march against their own country. There is a GLOBAL EFFORT to heighten civil unrest as other major cities also witnessed similar “protests.” The endgame is a push toward their dream of a Marxist utopia that requires toppling society as we know it.
Slovak Prime Minister Robert Fico has nearly accepted that his country will be forced to pay an additional €500 million for energy due to Ukraine’s refusal to renew the Russian gas transit treaty. Zelensky believes Fico is Putin’s puppet, but the man is simply looking for a way to provide his people energy. Tensions are worsening between Zelensky and Fico, and now, Fico is threatening to cut aid to Ukraine.
“On behalf of Smer (the ruling party), I announce that we are ready to negotiate and agree in a coalition to cut off electricity supplies and significantly reduce support for Ukrainian citizens staying in the territory of the Slovak Republic,” Fico noted a day after the existing transit treaty expired.
Leaders from Ukraine, Slovakia, and the unelected leaders of the European Union will meet next week to determine the proper steps which likely means they will find a way to pressure Slovakia to continue aiding Ukraine without compromise.
Fico threatened to cut off energy supplies to Ukraine, but Zelensky basically stated he knew that he would be overpowered by the EU and prevented from doing so. “Any arbitrary decisions in Bratislava or instructions from Moscow to Fico regarding electricity will not lead to a halt in electricity imports to Ukraine,” Zelensky said, adding: “Slovakia is part of the unified European energy market, and Fico must abide by pan-European regulations.” Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry chimed in to say that Slovakia would stand to lose hundreds of millions annually if they stopped selling to Ukraine. “Slovakia’s supply of critical amounts of electricity to Ukraine is not charity: Ukraine pays Slovakia a significant amount for it,” the ministry stated.
Moscow is not strengthened by this gas transit deal and granting transit would show good faith to Slovakia, who has provided Ukraine with millions in assistance since the war began. The underlying issue is that Fico wishes to remain neutral in this war. The European Union wants every member state to fear Russia and prepare for an escalation of warfare. The unelected officials at Brussels consistently undermine their own member states and it is only a matter of time before members wake up and realize that this alliance is working against them.
The American NEOCONS are interfering in elections, as always. Blinken ran off to Romania like Biden in Ukraine in July 2014, all to overturn the election in Romania, where the people voted against the war, and Blinken insisted Russia hacked the election. This guy will not be satisfied until he drenches Europe in the blood of centuries. Similar arguments are being tried in Germany because the people are turning to the afD.
With Romania listening to Blinken, it appears they will be at war by 2026 when it all starts. Romania, as we know it, will most likely see a dramatic change in government by 2031, which is about 19 intervals of 8.6 years from its inception. As you can see, the US dollar will rise sharply as a consequence of war. This will not benefit the people of Romania.
These NEOCONS will not give up. They are out for World War III and have full control of NATO. They still intend to bring on World War III and will use Article 5 to try to force Trump to send American troops to kill Russians. This will NOT end well for the West. These people have LOST every single war they have lied to create. They have NEVER won a single battle. These are the real traitors who should be sentenced to hang as they did to Saddam Hussain for weapons of mass destruction that never existed.
The World Health Organization (WHO) is a globalist entity forcefully pushing members into a One World Government under the premise of health. The members of the organization are unelected, and yet, they have proposed countless measures that dictate how the people of the world should live such as global taxation measures. Donald Trump has promised to remove America from this corrupt alliance.
The World Health Organization (WHO) was defunded by Ronald Reagan, restored, defunded by President Trump, and then refunded again by President Biden, assuming he even knew what he was signing. Here is their April 12, 2022 proposal for revising their power. Note that they are grabbing more power to set the stage for what these people hope will be the new one-world government under the United Nations.
Now let’s look at the text revision that expands the power of the WHO, which of course will be UNELECTED, eliminating any democratic process. The text in bold is the amendment to the original text, and you can see what is being crossed out. The highlighted text illustrates that the UNELECTED director of the WHO, a person typically selected by the World Economic Forum, will have the power in case of a health emergency (which they declare) to consult (or not) under Article 49 to “seek the views of the Emergency Committee.” Article 49 then describes the procedures the Director-General should take when a health emergency occurs.
Clearly, this is intended to expand the powers of the Director-General approved by a simple majority of the 194 member countries. That means the majority can grant power over nations that resist such dictatorial power. These amendments would enter into force as international law just six months later, and they clearly would violate the United States Constitution. So, where would you have standing even to object? If this works as they typically use law, they get to do whatever they want, and it is our burden to argue in court that they violate our sovereign Constitutional rights.
The World Health Organization has become nothing more than a corrupt Globalist scam…paid for by the United States, but owned and controlled by China,” Trump stated in November 2024. Trump believes the WHO partnered with China to hide the origins of COVID-19, and he is particularly disgruntled that the US was paying 10X more into the organization compared to China at the cost of $500 million annually. Biden re-entered the US into the WHO at full price, and has tried to bypass the US Senate and entire democratic process by entering into a pandemic treaty that would essentially allow the WHO to lead the nation in the event of another pandemic. “I will not allow public health to be used as a pretext to advance the march of global government,” Trump stated before vowing to leave the organization.
Could this be why Bill Gates allegedly requested to meet Trump in Mar-a-Lago? “Bill Gates asked to come, tonight. We miss you and x! New Year’s Eve is going to be AMAZING!!!” Trump posted on Truth Social. Some believe the message was intended as a direct message to Elon Musk and he mentions his son, X. We must hope that Donald Trump will commit to his vow to leave the WHO under any circumstance. Trump negotiated with the organization to enter for a mere $25 million and they were willing to accept. Absolutely no amount would be worth funding the march into a global government, which is precisely why the WHO and UN exist.
Over 6,481 retailers have closed their doors since the beginning of the new year, according to data from Coresight Research in November, but that figure is expected to reach 7,327, marking a 57.8% increase in closures since 2023.
During the pandemic, closures exceeded openings by 180 stores in 2020, with the gap widening in 2021 to 6,000 retailers. There were 5,919 store openings in 2023, barely easing the burden. While online shopping has nulled the need for many brick and mortars, the types of retailers that experienced the steepest declines are telling.
Nothing at the dollar store costs a dollar. That changed years ago during the pandemic, thanks to tariffs and supply chain issues. Retailers had to mark up these cheap goods to make a meager profit. As a result, Family Dollar shut their door to 677 locations and 99 Cents Only stores shed 371. Big Lots, also known for selling discounted items, has been forced to close 580 locations, although the bankruptcy played a larger role.
Rite Aid also experienced bankruptcy in 2024, closing 408 locations. Pharmacies, in general, took a major hit this past year. Walgreens plans to close 1,200 locations over the next three years and lost 259 locations in 259. CVS closed 586 locations as well. The convenience of picking up items while at the pharmacy does not overshadow the need for a discount. People are not willing to pay more for essentials at the pharmacy when they can receive them for a discounted price elsewhere. The same goes for convenience stores like 7-Eleven which shed 492 locations in 2024 with plans to close another 400 worldwide.
Another major contributing factor is the workforce – people do not want to work low-wage jobs that do not support their cost of living. Enter any pharmacy or low-end store, and you will find a severe shortage of workers. One pharmacy by me that is part of a major chain is only open two days a week because they simply do not have the staff to keep it operating.
There is a reason that retail closures are at their highest level since the pandemic. Americans are spending more on less and their spending habits are shifting from convenience to practicality.