Using Criminal Law to Confiscate Wealth – Civilly Without a Crime

December 27, 2024

Hunt Money

COMMENT: A reader has submitted this which is typical of every economic decline.

The money grab by cities which are desperate for taxes is escalating, law enforcement is no longer about protecting but generating revenue. The confiscation of property obtained through illegal means appears reasonable, yet given this is civil forfeiture, no proof is needed. Houses, cars and other property which are suspected to be anyway connected with criminal activity are being seized without having to prove anything, providing an additional source of revenue for law enforcement agencies. Cars are confiscated because an office “smells” something. The cost of fighting the confiscation is often more than the value of the property or is more than the victim can afford.


ANSWER:  The reason history repeats is rather simple. Human nature never changes. If you read Edward Gibbon, who wrote in his “Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire,” NOT for the historical event but for the actions, you will see the same patterns in human nature. It is like a Shakespeare play that is performed for centuries. The story and plot remain the same. Only the actors change like Phantom of the Opera on Broadway for 25 years. New people step into the role but the songs are always the same.

Gibbon wrote about the bureaucracy: “Suspicious princes often promote the last of mankind, from a vain persuasion, that those who have no dependence, except on their favor, will have no attachment, except to the person of their benefactor.

Commodus-HerculesEdward Gibbon wrote of Commodus: Each

distinction of every kind soon became criminal. The possession of wealth stimulated the diligence of the informers; rigid virtue implied a tacit censure of the irregularities of Commodus; important services implied a dangerous superiority of merit; and the friendship of the father always insured the aversion of the son. Suspicion was equivalent to proof; trial to condemnation. The execution of a considerable senator was attended with the death of all who might lament or revenge his fate; and when Commodus had once tasted human blood, he became incapable of pity or remorse

(Book 1, Chapter 4).

3FeloniesADayIf we fast forward to Maximinus I (235-238AD), Gibbons wrote that “The cruelty of Maximin was derived from a different source, the fear of contempt.” He used conspiracy as does the United States today where the crime requires no proof of doing something, it is merely an agreement to do something. You suffer the same fate as if you did the crime, and there are tons of crimes that everyone violates every day, as pointed out in the book Three Felonies A Day.


Gibbon wrote:  “The dark and sanguinary soul of the tyrant was open to every suspicion against those among his subjects who were the most distinguished by their birth or merit. Whenever he was alarmed with the sound of treason, his cruelty was unbounded and unrelenting. A conspiracy against his life was either discovered or imagined, and Magnus, a consular senator, was named as the principal author of it. Without a witness, without a trial, and without an opportunity of defence, Magnus, with four thousand of his supposed accomplices, was put to death. Italy and the whole empire were infested with innumerable spies and informers. On the slightest accusation, the first of the Roman nobles, who had governed provinces, commanded armies, and been adorned with the consular and triumphal ornaments, were chained on the public carriages, and hurried away to the emperor’s presence. Confiscation, exile, or simple death, were esteemed uncommon instances of his lenity. Some of the unfortunate sufferers he ordered to be sewed up in the hides of slaughtered animals, others to be exposed to wild beasts, others again to be beaten to death with clubs. During the three years of his reign, he disdained to visit either Rome or Italy. His camp, occasionally removed from the banks of the Rhine to those of the Danube, was the seat of his stern despotism, which trampled on every principle of law and justice, and was supported by the avowed power of the sword.  No man of noble birth, elegant accomplishments, or knowledge of civil business, was suffered near his person; and the court of a Roman emperor revived the idea of those ancient chiefs of slaves and gladiators, whose savage power had left a deep impression of terror and detestation.” (Book VII)

Roman-Hoard-Britain (2)This is the man who simply declared all wealth belonged to the state. This inspired the collapse in the velocity of money as it went into hiding. Hoards of coins buried from this time period are still being found to this day. This is what destroyed Rome. It was not hyperinflation but deflation as the economy simply imploded. This is what happens when government hunts down its own people for money.

The HILL Advocating to Prevent Trump From Taking Office?

December 27, 2024

Hill Congress Stop Trump

COMMENT: Marty, I hope you had a great Christmas. I used to question your forecasts that the Democrats will split, that the 2024 election may be the last and that the Democrats could try to use the 14th Amendment to stop Trump from taking office. You could not rule out the Neocons trying to start World War III before Trump takes office or even declare Martial Law to postpone him from taking office. I have come to respect what your computer says, and I tell my son never to bet against you. After reading the latest article from The Hill, they seem to be another leftist publication that is telling Congress to act now to stop Trump. I now see a civil war unfolding if they do this, and 2024 would be the last election.

OMG! Socrates is so correct, and this is why mainstream media will never put you on TV or in a newspaper because they are cheering the end of Trump.


Humpty Dumpty Falls

ANSWER: I always try to separate my personal opinion from Socrates. The Democrats are so corrupt; this has never been about democracy any more than the Ukrainian war or the weapons of mass destruction that never existed. This is raw power, and the LEFT is determined to seize control and take us into war; they do want what Schwab put out – you will own nothing but be miserable. The collapse of the United States is inevitable. The country is so divided it will never be put back together again like Humpty Dumpty.

The 2020_Coup 2

This article in The Hill is outrageous and clearly unconstitutional. They have thrown out the rule of law because the law means nothing if it prevents their power. They pronounce Trump guilty of a staged insurrection that they deliberately pulled off. They staged a coup, and NOBODY in Washington would dare lift a finger. I do not see how the United States can survive since nothing about us is united. They want to mandate abortion nationwide, overruling the Bible Belt telling them to take their religion and shove it where the sun does not shine. They want to tax UNREALIZED GAINS and point to billionaires who would then be forced to see their shares, and all the mutual funds and pension funds will suffer monumental losses, for everyone will have to raise cash to pay the tax on profits they have not taken.



They have convicted Trump without a trial and then want to install Harris so the NEOCONs can launch World War III and then order your children to die for their personal hatred. We by no means live in a democracy, but it is approaching the point when The Hill publishes this article that we are no longer even a republic. The military will split, and we will have a civil war.

Pelosi Son in law Jan 6th

By the way – this is Pelosi’s son-in-law. Is he, too, an insurrectionist?

US-Russia Relations Today Akin to US-Japan Relations before WWII

December 26, 2024

Embargo on Japan 2 15 20

The US government is treating Russia just as it treated Japan before World War II fully took hold.

President Roosevelt was inflicting embargos on the Japanese, freezing their money, and cutting them off from all energy. When they turned to buying fuel from other nations, Roosevelt threatened to blockade their ships. Is it any wonder why the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor to eliminate the US fleet after the threat of an embargo?

7 26 1941 US Freeze Japan Assets

The neocon strategy is taken right out of the war book used during the Roosevelt Administration. This is precisely what FDR did to get the United States into World War II. He was frustrated because Congress would not authorize joining the war. When FDR went to Boston, the Irish lashed out at him, saying that the British starved the Irish and they were now not going to go defend them. Many people who fled Europe to America wanted to be free of the hatred and politics in Europe. So, it was NOT a popular idea to come to the rescue of Europe, which they fled.

It may come as a surprise, but the US public was sympathetic toward China during this period. America saw Japan’s actions during the Second Sino-Japanese War as predatory. Similarly, many now view Russia as the aggressor and believe it must be quelled. The hatred of the Japanese later came to a head during the war as the US government imprisoned all Japanese people, women and children, and those born in the US.

1942 Japanese internment Camps

The Neocons, during the FDR Administration, followed a clever agenda to circumvent Congress as they are doing right now. They were racists and simply hated the Japanese, as is the case with Russians right now. They started in 1938 with a series of escalating highly restrictive trade restrictions imposed on Japan. The Neocons terminated the 1911 commercial treaty with Japan in 1939. They then tightened the Export Control Act of 1940, which was intended to prevent the scarcity of critical commodities in a likely prewar environment. In addition, this act directly targeted Japan to restrict the exportation of material to Imperial Japan.

This was followed by the United States embargoing scrap metal shipments to Japan and closing the Panama Canal to Japanese shipping. The Neocons were seeking to isolate Japan without engaging in a war that only Congress could declare Japan, at the time, imported about 74% of its scrap iron from the US and over 90% of its copper.

Then, on July 26, 1941, the US seized all Japanese assets in the United States in retaliation for the Japanese occupation of French Indo-China as they have done today with Russia’s reserves. This was followed on August 1 with an oil embargo and gasoline exports to Japan which also came from the United States. The oil embargo was the last straw when 80% of its energy supply came from the USA. The US also was proposing intervening to prevent Japan from getting oil from other sources.

The complete US oil embargo was the last straw. The Japanese had to then seize Southeast Asia for resources which expanded the war instead of the old hatred between China and Japan. They needed to do that before they ran out of resources. To secure themselves in the Pacific, they attacked Pearl Harbor with no intention of actually invading the United States.

What we are doing to Russia is exactly the same way Roosevelt treated the Japanese. There will be only one resolution – World War III. I do not believe that those in Washington and Brussels are this stupid. This is a deliberate attempt to provoke Russia to attack. They will then claim we wear the white hats and Russia is the aggressor with an unprovoked attack. It worked before. There was even a Senate investigation after the war into the fact that Roosevelt knew Pearl Harbor was to be attacked and pulled out the important ships, all to force Congress to enter the war.

What Kind of Government is Better?

December 26, 2024
athens acropolis


 You write “Republics are the worst form of government, for every representative can be bribed.”

^That^ translates into “Republics are the worst form of government when every representative IS bribed.”

Is your statement equivalent to “Republics are a good form of government when every representative cannot be bribed?”

Given your opinion regarding republics, what is the best form of government?



kleroterion Athenian Vote

ANSWER: Not every representative sells out. The reason for this is the lack of term limits. Representatives need money to run the next election, and that makes them susceptible to lobbyists and bribes. The bribes are not like Nancy Pelosi seeking to make a ton of money for personal gain. It begins with trying to raise money for the next election. We should reestablish the Kleroterion, but with improvement to eliminate the flaws pointed out by Aristotle and others.

1 Career Politicians

Career Politicians

But we must also prohibit career politicians. The bureaucracy really runs the state, and the political class is supposed to oversee them, but when they are career politicians, they become one and the same. Politicians act on “staff recommendations,” which occur at every government level – local, county, state, federal, and international at the United Nations. We have NO SAY who represents us at the United Nations and secretly agrees with the World Health Organization of their Climate Change agenda. There is no democratic process in any of this.

The “elected” politician is just for show, in many cases, to pretend we have a democratic process. Try contacting your representative. You will be typically stonewalled and held at bay by their “staff,” which are the real Deep State, for they run the show and remain there, moving from one politician to the next. Try writing to a representative of another district – they usually will not accept it.


JFK Willingboro Oct 1960

More than sixty years ago today, on July 24, 1963, Bill Clinton shook hands with President John F. Kennedy when he was 16. Clinton says that handshake inspired his life of public service. Nearly thirty years later, in January 1993, Bill Clinton was sworn in as the 42nd president. I, too, shook John F. Kennedy’s hand when he was running for office in 1960. It did not inspire me to become president. Look at all the Secret Service people on the tops of the buildings. I remember every building was covered. Biden withheld sharpshooter protection from Trump for two years and refused to give RFK any protection. Was it Biden’s decision or the “staff” who really run the country? I believe the world saw that the emperor had no clothes, so to speak, after Biden’s last term. We witnessed a man in severe mental decline for the past four years. There is no way he could run the country. The deep state is in control, and a good portion of the public now realizes that the president is NOT always in control.

A few things need to happen for conditions to improve:

End lobbying: All elections should be funded by the taxpayer based on the number of signatures they gather

Committees should be based on their expertise. If I were there, it would be on a financial committee, not some medical committee. People are appointed to committees based on who they know rather than WHAT they know.

Athen had the Kleroterion, where names were selected for those who would fill a position. They should be prequalified for various positions.

The Inspector General should be a separate agency NOT subservient to the Executive or Department of Justice with the power to indict anyone in government.

Terms should be limited to a 2-year maximum — there is no room for career politicians.

Public servants MUST serve the people rather than their self-interests. “Politician” should not be a career choice but a role held by a member of our society who desires to SERVE the people by providing their expertise for a limited duration.

When the US Government Defaulted on its Bonds

December 26, 2024

4th Liberty Bond Launch Wall Street 1918

The first three Liberty bonds and the Victory Loan, sold to fund World War I, were indeed retired during the 1920s. However, because the terms of the bonds included a Ponzi Scheme that allowed the bondholder to swap them for the newer bonds, with superior terms, most of the debt from the first, second, and third Liberty bonds had been rolled over into this fourth issue. The terms of this 4th issue were as follows:

Date of Bond: October 24, 1918
Coupon Rate: 4.25%
Callable Starting: October 15, 1933
Maturity Date: October 15, 1938
Amount Originally Tendered: $6 billion
Amount Sold: $7 billion

4th Liberty Bond

The terms of this Fourth Liberty Bond specified: “The principal and interest hereof are payable in United States gold coin of the present standard of value.” This was the typical “gold clause” that was found in most sovereign bonds, both domestic and international. In addition, private contracts and bonds also included this gold clause before Roosevelt. Generally, it was intended to guarantee that bondholders would not suffer from a currency devaluation – not inflation since even a gold standard does not prevent inflation.

The US defaulted on these bonds thanks to Roosevelt. The US Treasury called in this Fourth Liberty Bond on April 15, 1934, for redemption. However, the US defaulted on this term by refusing to redeem the bond in gold. They also ignored the dollar devaluation imposed by Roosevelt, which changed the dollar’s gold value from $20.67 to $35. The entire purpose of the gold clauses prior to Roosevelt was to protect against a currency devaluation. The 21 million bondholders lost 139 million troy ounces of gold, which caused the loss in international value terms to be approximately 70% of the bond’s principal.

The legal basis for the refusal of the US Treasury to redeem in gold was the gold clause resolution was Roosevelt’s effort to seize gold, devalue the dollar, and attempt to ensure that all profits would accrue to the government (Pub. Res. 73–10), dated June 5, 1933. The Supreme Court was petitioned to decide this issue, and what we will see is that Roosevelt just ignored the Supreme Court once again, showing that the Constitution means nothing when it constructs the government from its goal.

Charles Evans Hughes Sr. April 11 1862 – August 27 1948

Chief Justice Charles Evans Hughes wrote the decision in  Perry v. United States, 294 U.S. 330, 354 (1935). He made it very clear that the Joint Resolution of June 5, 1933, nullified the gold clause obligations of the United States and that they would only honor dollar for dollar, which was unconstitutional id /349. Furthermore, the Court held that Congress cannot use its power to regulate the value of money to invalidate the Government’s obligations.

FDR Gold Confiscation

President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s closure of the open gold market and the removal of the domestic backing of the dollar with gold took place with the signing of Executive Order 6102 on April 5, 1933. The Supreme Court ruled that the bondholders’ loss was unquantifiable and, therefore, repaying them in dollars according to the 1918 standard of value would be an “unjustified enrichment.” FDR essentially defaulted on the US national debt, repaying it with depreciated dollars, reducing the debt by nearly 70%.

Default is Always a Sovereign Prerogative when Things get Tight.


Interviews over the Past Year – 2024

December 24, 2024




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