Former Student Arrested for Late Student Loan Payments, Thanks to Hillary

February 20, 2016


FOX News reported that the U.S. Marshals Service in Houston is arresting people for failing to pay their outstanding federal student loans. Actually, Paul Aker, the subject of the Fox News report, failed to appear in court so the court sent U.S. Marshals to his home where he was arrested for a $1500 federal student loan he received in 1987. Of course, when they arrest anyone, the reason is irrelevant. Everyone is treated the same. If he ran, they would have shot him in the back.

After seven U.S. Marshals burst into Aker’s home with guns drawn, they took him to federal court where he had to sign a payment plan for the 29-year-old school loan. Thank you, Hillary. I honestly do not know how anyone could possibly vote for her. This is totally insane. The judge could just as easily thrown him in prison on contempt of court and not release him until he pays the $1500. It’s all about a judge’s power to act as if he still represents a king.

Milton Friedman on Capitalism

February 20, 2016

Most of the wealth earned by the 1% is from INVESTMENT, not wages. So why are the 99% oppressed? Largely taxes. For example, Social Security is a simple tax. That money is not invested in your future. The government robs from Social Security and stuffs it with government debt, which they then move toward negative interest rates. This deprives the average person from earning anything on those funds that were supposed to be for retirement.

When I worked to try to turn Social Security into a wealth fund investment, bringing the money into the free market and allocating it to fund managers (I exempted myself), the Dow was 1,000. Social Security today would be a real fund and the bulk of the people would have MADE MONEY in the same manner as the 1%. It was government and its greed that has suppressed the people, not the 1% because they invested. A FREE MARKET should be where everyone can invest their own money, for surely government is incapable of keeping their fingers out of everyone’s pocket.

Money Has Always Been What Was Available

February 20, 2016


QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, most of the people in the gold community say you are wrong and gold has always been money. Would you care to respond?

ANSWER: If you want to believe propaganda, that is fine. Have a nice day. I do not understand why people distort the truth to support their biases. The three great empires  Babylon, Greece, and Rome — all had different monetary-based systems. This was entirely dependent upon whatever natural resources they had at their disposal.  In fact, Athens funded everything with its silver mine at Lavrion. There has been a more recent discovery of an extensive silver mine that is even older than Lavrion at Thorikos on the southern tip of Attica.

In fact, the Biblical passage of Daniel interpreting the dream of the king has long been seen as the very forecast of the world monetary system:

You, O king, were looking and behold, there was a single great statue; that statue, which was large and of extraordinary splendor, was standing in front of you, and its appearance was awesome. “The head of that statue was made of fine gold, its breast and its arms of silver, its belly and its thighs of bronze, its legs of iron, its feet partly of iron and partly of clay.…

So I do not understand the claim that only gold is and always has been money. That is just total nonsense. There have been many different types of monetary systems. All have failed, regardless of what it was based upon because there is a common denominator  humanity.

Market Talk — February 19, 2016

February 19, 2016

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A very welcome quiet Friday after another volatile week for Asian markets but at least this one has been positive for the Nikkei. Closing down today (-1.3%) as dealers continue to question the BOJ’s drastic monetary policy (despite rumors of agree officials attempting to silence the media) but the Nikkei has closed up almost 7% on the week. There are rumors that officials are requesting a more upbeat assessment of the economy in an attempt to change the mood of the populous! One has to question if it would not be easier to chance another direction, having seen no improvement for the past 25 years. China and HSI also closed small changed despite an unclear trading direction.

In Europe, most dealers were awaiting the result of the BREXIT talks as it was understood to break ahead of lunchtime. Then, the talk was for a press conference mid afternoon, then delayed until dinner. Late this evening we are still waiting news but we have seen GBP make small headway throughout the day to close 1.4360 (+0.2%). UK Retail Sales also claiming some of that coo dose (estimated 3.6% actual 5.2%). All core European indices had the same trading pattern this Friday – opening at the days highs only to close at the days lows. Between them they all returned losses of around -0.6%, IBEX closed weaker at -1.2%. Oil was again the excuse dealers used as we saw the price decline around 3.5% today.

The US markets were under a little pressure at the open but spent the reminder of the day attempting to recover, which in all fairness they did reasonably well. The DOW and S+P closed small lower whilst the NASDAQ closed up +0.4%. It does not sound all that but when considering that oil was selling-off most of the US afternoon trading, it is quite a result. The Dow closed positive for now on the close of our weekly models leaving support at 16170 for next week with resistance starting at the 16525 level.

Gold traded in a narrow range (having seen over $40 spread on Thursday) and managed to close a little under the days high. At $1230 dealers are questioning if we see a continuation of this weeks rally for next week. On our model, gold closed weak and support now becomes critical at the 1170 level down to 1160. The key overhead number will be 1220 as the pivot point for the week. Opening beneath this level will signal this become resistance.

In the bond markets we equally saw a quiet end to the week. With US 10’s closing at 1.75% this is only little changed from Thursdays close. The German bunds saw even more support as dealers are fearful of weekend press and so we see the 10yr Bund close 0.21%. Italy 10yr closes 1.56% (+1bp), Greece closes 10.25 (+8bp), Turkey 10’s 10.64% (+6bp) and Gilts 1.41% (-3bp).

Definition of Politics

February 19, 2016


— Bill Murray

Are You Ready for Govt. to Implant a Chip In Your Hand to Fight “Terrorism”?

February 19, 2016


Well if you ever wanted to know how bad a totalitarian government can get, you need an uninhibited imagination for only then can you reach reality. We already have programs where the government encourages fingerprinting infants for their own safety in the incident of a kidnapping. Well, government may try implanted chips so they know all lifeforms in their herd — yes you.  The technology discussed very quietly behind the curtain was employed in Sweden by a private firm. A company implanted chips in the hands of their employees so they could enter the office, use photocopy machines, and even pay for lunch. The next scam to fight terrorism is to claim citizens should have implants, and then you can get on planes without strip searches.

Gold – the Hedge Against Government

February 19, 2016


While government may see gold as the barbaric relic of the past monetary history, it still will serve as a hedge against them from the private individual side. Our biggest problem is the Hunt for Money. They are of the opinion it is not their fiscal mismanagement that is causing the instability, it is that we have money they see as their’s. This is the historical classic battle between Public and Private I have warned about. You may not be able to travel with gold any more as they close the corral and try to slaughter us for money. But history still demonstrates they will collapse. It is then when gold will provide its more historic base purpose as the hedge against government. It is not a hedge against inflation nor will it track with the increase in money supply. It is driven by confidence and the lack thereof. When the latter raises it head, then it is time for gold to rise. Keep in mind I would recommend real gold coins of bullion value common dates compared to bullion. At least then you can claim you are a coin collector. That worked before at least in the 1930s.

The Stupidity of Those In Power Has No Boundaries Whereas Genius Has Its Limits

February 19, 2016

Summers Larry

The insanity of NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES, instigated by Larry Summers, is based upon the stupid idea that lowering interest rates will stimulate borrowing and thus spending. The idea is that penalizing people by moving negative will FORCE them to spend their money and revitalize the economy. But what happens if they invest the money in equities and do not spend it on junk? The whole theory will meltdown.

A reader sent in a newsletter from Netherlands of a big Dutch insurance company informing all clients about the possibility of negative interest rates on savings. These people are out of their minds with NEGATIVE INTEREST RATES for they are wiping out pension funds and the elderly. Just what are they trying to do? Intentionally create revolution? Sometimes there is just no explanation for what they do other than pure stupidity, which has no limit or boundary, whereas genius certainly has its limitations.

Market Talk February 18th, 2016

February 19, 2016

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Shanghai was following the heard (+1.5%) until the last few hours of trading when the index fell to close small down (-0.2%). Both the Nikkei and Hang Seng built on yesterdays gains despite (Japanese) economic data failing to live up to expectations (exports fell 12.9% against a market consensus of -11.3%). Worth noting also is that exports to China (one of its largest trading partners) decline 17%. The Nikkei off of its highs closed +2.35% but was up over 4% intraday.
A-side from UK’s FTSE all core European markets closed higher today with the DAX the best performer closing up 1%. UAE exchanges, Russia’s RTS and Istanbul 30 & 100 all closed 1%+ given the on-going energy rally. The big debate around BREXIT continues this evening although we were expecting news later today. As the US market comes to a close we still have no word from Mr Cameron and so we await overnight news.

In the US the DOW closes at the days low but it really has been a narrow range – especially considering recent moves. The DOW, S+P and NASDAQ have reversed recent gains and are closing down between 0.5 and 1%. We have heard a lot of voices claiming the US will be the next to consider rate moves as the global economy stalls but when looking at US 10yr yields (1.75%) we are a long way off zero rates. OECD has also cut its forecast for world growth by 0.3% to 3.3% for 2016 and 2017 – it remains to be seen if the FED changes course.

“The markets remain jittery” – that was given today by many for the revival of the gold price. Gold saw a hefty rally today (from $1200 up to the $1240 close) despite the talk of central bank liquidations and an extremely quiet equity market, as a safe-haven and protection play.

The US Bond market was another to reactive this evening as equities and oil reversed their gains. In the final hour of the days trading buyers have taken the US 10yr from 1.795% down to the days lows yield (high price) of 1.74%. This move has reversed yesterdays curve steepening with a 4bp curve flattening (2/10’s). 30yrs also rallied (price) in line to close 2.62% (7.5bp lower). European bonds were also better bid this evening with treasuries. 10yr Bund were last seen this evening at 0.215% closing the US/Bund 10yr spread at 152.5bp. European peripherals (obviously closed earlier) so the spreads will change upon tomorrows open. Given the uncertainty of the close peripherals will be wider.. Italy 10yr closed 1.55% (-5bp), Greece 10’s closed 10.18 (-40bp), Turkey 10yr closed 10.58% (-3bp) and Gilt 10yr closed 1.44% (-3bp).

Gold Today February 18th, 2016

February 18, 2016

GCNYNF-D 2-18.2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong, your opening number for gold was 1199.50. Since it opened above and has rallied, is there a point above where it now must exceed to resume an uptrend?

Thanks for being there for free even


ANSWER: Yes. That number is 1237.00-1238.50. If we can close above that area then gold is still in a bullish posture. Close beneath that level today and it moves into neutral position.

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