EU Fears the British Referendum Will Be a Contagion

February 12, 2016

Tusk Donald

European Council President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU is in danger of a total collapse. He has come out to say that David Cameron’s referendum in Britain will be copied by other member tactics for their own “egotistic goals.” He has said this will unleash the unthinkable: democratic rights for Europeans to disagree with the elite in Brussels. He called this a populist political movement that will bring the EU bloc to the brink of “suicide.”

Donald Tusk said that he is clearing his calendar next week to concentrate on the “very fragile” talks with Britain to create some “new settlement” at the EU summit next week to keep Britain in the EU and to allow Cameron to declare some victory so he can call off the referendum. That is the agenda in Brussels.

Tusk is looking to keep his own job and fails to understand that there is no plan in Brussels to fix anything. They are simply trying to maintain their power by denying democratic processes. There is no acknowledgement that the problem lies with the entire structure of the euro that is undermining the banking system.

Until Brussels is willing to say, “Oops! Sorry about that! We really screwed everything up!” there is not a prayer in hell that the euro or Europe can be saved. The euro will make its rally and destroy the economy, fueling more deflation. The ECB will turn the screws and keep the NEGATIVE interest rates, and in the end, it will have to fail anyway.

Britain Seizing Pension Funds?

February 12, 2016



I have been warning that Chancellor George Osborne is probably going to go down in history as the man who destroys what is left of the British empire. He has done everything wrong. Seizing pension funds to be invested by his decree is up there with Argentina’s standards. Osborne is currently putting in place his grand scheme to retain the power of government in Britain. His grand scheme is to seize control of the nation’s local government pension schemes and direct them to invest in his infrastructure projects that are probably lobbied by friends.

Politicians in the post-Roosevelt era took the idea of the WPA created by Roosevelt to provide jobs for the unemployed. Keep in mind that this was the transition from agriculture to skilled labor, which was quite a different problem from today. The second problem was the shift to the technology of the combustion engine that allowed farmers to replace workers by the dozen with motorized tractors and automobiles replaced trains. These technology shifts made the WPA a viable alternative because we needed to change the skill sets of workers. Now, infrastructure projects do not train workers to change their career and they offer nothing from a permanent employment perspective. So raising taxes and seizing pension funds to funnel into infrastructure has a NEGATIVE economic impact today. The technology shift is not moving backwards in skills, it is moving forward.

Osborne is crossing the line here as a pretend left-wing socialist masquerading as an economic “conservative” that no other major G5 nation has dared to tread, no less the British government throughout its entire history. This is where governments are moving. Seizing everything just like Maximinus who destroyed the confidence in Rome and set in motion the acceleration of its decline.

Gravity Being Revealed & Cycles in the Mind

February 12, 2016

Gravitational Waves Colision 2 Black Holes

While we are living in a fictional world where we assume we can manipulate the outcome of our social economy, major advancements are being achieved in the real world of science that further demonstrates that the core of everything is its cyclical nature. Here is the latest discovery confirming gravity waves. The photo above is of the gravity waves of two black holes colliding together 1 billion light years away. Scientists are ecstatic for this proves Einstein was correct.


It has been discovered that resting brainwaves within the human mind function in a very specific harmonic pattern or cycle. The latest study suggests that the mystery as to why these spontaneous patterns of brain activity occur even when people are at rest is coming to light. Cycles are how ENERGY moves. This is the key to the world around us as well.

As humans, the majority buys every high and sells every low BECAUSE they find comfort in the movement of the majority. It takes someone capable of seeing the patterns to say, “Hey! I am not a drone following the crowd.” The majority makes the markets move for that is their function in life. They simply are there and their “energy” of emotion causes them doubt whenever the trend moves against them when it is driven by the majority.

Perhaps one day we will take that real giant step forward. But to do so, we really have to change government and the way it operates. Without that single step forward, we are trapped in a reappearing pattern throughout time and space without the ability to learn collectively from our mistakes.

The Way of the Future

February 5, 2016

One of the more vital technological advancements has been developed locally in Philadelphia. They can grow all the necessary food without farmland from inside a warehouse that is completely free from genetic tinkering or chemical whatever. The owners of Metropolis … Continue reading

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