All posts in " Armstrong in the Media "

$100 & €500 and the imminent End of Cash

February 23, 2016

Our writings on the end of cash were picked up in one of the last really independent newspapers in Germany: the Fuldaer Zeitung. Slowly, the word is getting out. The more people understand the trend, the greater the chances we can push the tree in the right direction when it falls. 20160223-TZ- – Fuldaer Zeitung […]

Renaissance Man – What Is It Really?

February 15, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I read a Wall Street Journal article on you from 1999. They called you a Renaissance Man. You are certainly so diverse and a strong person to endure what you have but still you do not wallow in self pity. What is your secret? Respectfully; BT Ida Armstrong ANSWER: My mother raised me to […]

Is There Something More Important Than Money?

February 13, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You were named hedge fund manager of the year with the most amazing public track record which nobody has ever come close to matching. You have been named Analyst of the Year. I spoke to people in Australia where you managed a public fund for Deutsche Bank. They said if you would […]

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