All posts in " Central Banks "

Can the Fed really Control the Economy?

August 7, 2019 QUESTION: This whirligig talk of whether the Fed cuts rates by 25 or 50 basis points is carnival-level absurdity. Does the Fed have the “pretense of knowledge,” as F.A. Hayek, said, that they can regulate the economy like turning up or down the thermostat? I know you don’t agree with this, Martin, but then, […]

Did the Fed Begin Secret Bailouts in 2007 Before Anyone Knew of the Pending Crisis?

July 30, 2019

  When the GAO report came out on the Quantitative Easing by the Federal Reserve, it uncovered a secret $16 trillion feeding tube from the Fed structured as revolving, low-cost loans to any bank (foreign or domestic) teetering on the edge. Amazingly, the audit showed the Fed started the loans in December 2007 – long before […]

Central Bankers on Their Knees Pleading with Politicians

July 17, 2019

Our confidential sources are reporting that the Fed, ECB, and BoJ have agreed to lobby politicians in an attempt to warn them that they cannot continue propping up the world economy. The ECB, in particular, has been keeping the EU on life support and they have no room to lower interest rates to try to […]

Rise in the Euro – Interesting Times Ahead

June 26, 2019

QUESTION: Was not this move you have been talking about to happen right after the EP elections? What has changed? “While everyone will focus on interest rates, at the end of the summer we will see a refocus back on the structural problems in the Euro.” SM ANSWER: Nothing. What is happening is that we […]

The Central Banks are Trapped – the End of Economics as we have Known it

June 21, 2019

Draghi has come out and said that is inflation will not pick up, he will do even more Quantitative Easing. I warned that the central banks, particularly the ECB, are trapped. They simply cannot return to any normal economic model without blowing up the entire Eurozone. This is becoming extremely serious. The only option for […]

Central Banks Buying Equities

June 20, 2019

QUESTION: Central banks around the world are currently purchasing equities. If they continue to purchase equities, will we ever have a significant market downturn again? What happens when central banks acquire enough shares to control corporations? PE ANSWER: Yes. The central banks have been buying equities to try to diversify their balance sheets as they […]

BIS – The Central Bank of Central Banks

June 5, 2019

  QUESTION: Could you please tell us more about the bank of the national banks (BIS) located in Swiss? Many thanks for your information. I love to read your blog first thing in the morning!!! JS ANSWER: The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) was originally established to handle the reparation payments of Germany. It was […]

The Drastic Alteration of QE that is About to be Unleashed

May 14, 2019

QUESTION #1: Sir, You stated in your blog that Fed may fix 2 and 10 year bond rates. Doesn’t this negate the yield curve concept/ credit theory? Won’t this accelerate the distrust for government? Wont this further accelerate/aggravate the pension crisis? Appreciate you teaching the little guys See you in Oct DK QUESTION #2: Marty; […]

QE & Its Failure

May 14, 2019

QUESTION: Dear Martin, During WEC in Rome I came to understand that the issue with QE is that it did not create any inflation in the USA. On the other hand, as you mentioned the inflation is being calculated in a different way that it used to be in the future. How come then the […]

Moving from QE to Just Monetizing Government

May 10, 2019

QUESTION: Mr, Armstrong; Why the push for lower interest rates again in developed markets? You have stated the QE has been a total failure. Are they incapable of doing anything else? KE ANSWER: We are switching from QE to a new reality of budget management. If interest rates rise on government bonds, the budget blows […]

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