All posts in " Climate "

We Were Supposed to be Resorting to Cannibalism by Now from Global Warming

November 23, 2018

Despite the forecasts 20 years ago that snow would be a thing of the past, the last three winters have been getting progressively colder and nastier. Back in 1975, Newsweek predicted we were going into a new ice age until it became profitable to flip it into global warming to justify new taxes. Back in 1971, […]

The Snowiest Decade

November 19, 2018

This winter is starting off colder than the last two years. My biggest concern is that all the nonsense about Global Warming is preventing us from preparing for the real trend – Global Cooling. Even in the Bible, there is the story about Joseph warning the Pharaoh that there would be 7 years of plenty followed […]

NASA Now Says They See a Cooling Trend – Not Warming

November 14, 2018

“We see a cooling trend,” Martin Mlynczak of NASA’s Langley Research Center said in late September. “High above Earth’s surface, near the edge of space, our atmosphere is losing heat energy. If current trends continue, it could soon set a Space Age record for cold.” … …. Ron Turner a Senior Science Advisor to NASA’s Innovative […]

Global Warming Agenda to Create Authoritarian Government

November 9, 2018

Back in 1996, the former Soviet Union President Mikhail Gorbachev expressed the real truth behind the Global Warming agenda. He said that using climate alarmism could advance the socialist Marxist objectives to restore the power of government. He said: “The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” Essentially, this was revealing what […]

They now want to Reduce Dog & Cat Ownership to Stop Global Warming

November 2, 2018

Well, it was only a matter of time that when you read between the lines concerning pet population of dogs and cats, the solution is to REDUCE their numbers – which is really what they argue for behind the curtain concerning humans. I have written previously how they really want to starve humans to reduce […]

Climate Change – Warming is Good – Cold is Bad

October 31, 2018

QUESTION: Do you think that a pole shift will be devastating to society? SK ANSWER: No. I think many turn such events into a looming existential threat destined to destroy us. That is probably up there with the Yellowstone Supervolcano. These treasured theories of our impending doom seem to lurk in a myth that some event […]

Global Warming & Pole Shifts

October 13, 2018

QUESTION: Hi Martin. I see that you have reported a lot about the coming global cooling. Here in Scandinavia, we had a warm and dry summer, the warmest and dryest in about 250 years. Is there an opposite reaction to the global cooling here in Scandinavia? regards, TK ANSWER: No. What is happening is clearly climate […]

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