All posts in " Corruption "

The Computer Has No Human Bias or Input

August 12, 2016

QUESTION: Hi Martin: Thanks for your blog entries and daily market talk. Question: are the arrays independent of the outcomes of the USA election outcome? If they aren’t, what does Socrates forecast with each candidate winning? Thank you. DA ANSWER: There is absolutely no human input whatsoever. Everything is within the system. The arrays are not […]

Public Sectors are Devouering the Private Sector

August 8, 2016

QUESTION: Dear Marty, I understand your general message and totally agree with it. I now see the big picture in a systematic trend and everything moving in the direction Socrates has forecast. I do have a few questions though. Can we call the trend: the public sectors trend to swallow the private sector? In other words, […]

Perception of Global Corruption Rising

August 5, 2016

Awareness of government corruption is rising on a global scale. This is all part of the private wave that peaks in 2032.95. We are experiencing the complete craziness of a collapsing government. Hillary Clinton is the classic example. Compared to Richard Nixon, who had to deal with 18.5 minutes of recorded conversations that were allegedly […]

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