All posts in " ECM "

IMF New Currency on ECM April 10th

April 17, 2023

COMMENT #1: On April 10th the IMF released UNICOIN, est Voila! Zee beginning of zee end? Lawrence COMMENT #2: Marty, the ECM target was way too much. The Pentagon Papers was one thing, but precisely April 10th is when the IMF announced its new currency to dominate the world. Your ECM is just incredible. Why […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Wheat May be Lining Up with the ECM as Well

April 16, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – Wheat May be Lining Up with the ECM as Well Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit The post PRIVATE BLOG – Wheat May be Lining Up with the ECM as Well first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

PRIVATE BLOG – The ECM Turning Point

April 15, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – The ECM Turning Point Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit The post PRIVATE BLOG – The ECM Turning Point first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

The ECM Turning Point This Week

April 10, 2023

PRIVATE BLOG – The ECM Turning Point This Week Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit The post The ECM Turning Point This Week first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

The 6th Wave – Do We Ever Learn?

April 4, 2023

QUESTION: Hi, Have you come across a period in history that at the end of the sixth wave, after the political system dies, during the next six waves, human mankind learned from its past errors and corrected it? ANSWER: Actually, the answer is NO. The fall of the Minoan Civilization brought in a dark age […]

Can We Really Last until 2032?

March 31, 2023

QUESTION #1: Martin, Since Trump was already not guilty of having the affair (to which Stormy Daniels admitted never took place), does that mean that the New York Court has indicted him on the charges of “being blackmailed”? DB QUESTION #2: Bill Clinton committed perjury. That was legal grounds to indict him and remove him […]

Chaos & the Secret Order to Everything

March 18, 2023

Economics is the ONLY field where cycles are denied. Moreover, people do not even comprehend how COMPLEXITY emerges. Alan Turing was a brilliant mathematician who is probably the father of computers for he built the really first computer to break the German Enigma Machine. He invented the computer and broke the German Enigma Code. You […]

My Warning from 2014

March 16, 2023

In an interview on May 11, 2014, I explained on USAWatchdog that confidence always outweighs reality. “It’s basically what you believe. There have been all sorts of studies on fundamentals that say if interest rates go up, stocks go down.  It is simply not true.  The stock market has never peaked with interest rates twice […]

Pi Day Contributions

March 15, 2023

COMMENT: Pi Day history compliments —- On March 14, 1883 KARL MARX MADE HIS MOST IMPORTANT CONTRIBUTION TO MANKIND . . . HE DIED. Happy Pi Day! SR REPLY: Also, Albert Einstein was born in Ulm, Germany, on March 14th, 1879. The post Pi Day Contributions first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

Happy Pi Day

March 14, 2023

Caesar’s Wife begged him not to go to the Senate in the morning. She had her vision of his death. Decimus dined with Caesar the night before his assassination and convinced Caesar to leave his house the next morning for staying home because his wife, Calpurnia, was worried was unmanly. That fateful day set in […]

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