All posts in " European Union "

Scandinavia Receiving Capital Inflows As Well As Poland & Hungary

June 5, 2018

Just to Clarify, we are also picking up Capital Inflows from the EU moving into Scandinavia – Denmark, Sweeden & Norway. We also see money moving into Poland and Hungary which appears to be some diversification movement. What has become increasingly apparent is the mere fact that confidence among SERIOUS money is starting to realize the […]

Warning Capital Outflows from Europe Are the Greatest in the World Economy

June 5, 2018

  Our models based upon reliable source flow data is currently showing that the Eurozone is the NUMBER ONE place in the world with the greatest amount of capital fleeing than any other region in worldwide. This is indicating that the CONFIDENCE in the Euro Project appears to be collapsing among the most conservative elements […]

The Pension Crisis Will Break Up the EU

June 5, 2018

The German public broadcast agency ARD is proposing structural changes. Due to the low-interest rates, the ECB has placed the agency in hard times with its pensions. Karola Wille, the director, has called for structural reform to reduce costs. The proposal centers on technological change to increase efficiency in the performance of its mandate. They are […]

GDPR resulting in Destroying German Internet

June 2, 2018

After the first week, the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in Europe has done far more damage than Brussels ever anticipated. This regulation, which was intended to really prevent political marketing against the government, is actually destroying the German Internet. Operators have chosen to simply shut down their websites for fear of lawsuits. Many online services have chosen […]

The Euro Crisis is Unfolding on Schedule

May 29, 2018

  The Euro Crisis is emerging rapidly. The 2Yr BTP Italy debt has jumped 150bp and is now wider by 2.50%. The ECB has been intervening BECAUSE as we have warned, there is NO BID. Interest rates for Italian debt have almost doubled in a matter of days. Who in their right mind will buy […]

Euro Crisis Unfolds as Politics in Italy Views they are Now an Occupied Country

May 29, 2018

  COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; You do know that you have been the only analyst who has outlined how, why, and when the euro would go into crisis. You said 2018 would be the beginning. Well, it looks to be absolutely correct along with your political models. Thank you for saving me a fortune Cheers JWP REPLY: […]

Draghi Calls for Consolidation of Debts?

May 18, 2018

COMMENT: You were here in Brussels a few weeks ago. Suddenly, the ECB is talking about the need to merge the debts to prevent a crisis. So your lobbying here seems to work. RGV, Brussels REPLY: I do not lobby. It is rather common knowledge I have made those proposals since the EU commission attended […]

EU Migration Chief Say Europe Will Continue to Take Refugees “For Decades to Come”

May 17, 2018

The EU migration chief, Dimitris Avramopoulos, has demonstrated that politicians are just so out of touch with reality they are securing their own demise. Avramopoulos has made a speech that Europe is set to absorb massive waves of migration “for the decades to come” and that the EU will “never become a fortress” building walls to keep people […]

Has Draghi Just Lost It?

May 9, 2018

QUESTION: Why are long-term yields on risky European debt below that of US Treasuries? Is this the European bubble madness? HN, Frankfurt ANSWER: This is unquestionably a bubble, but the buyer has been the ECB (European Central Bank). Yields on risky European bonds have been driven below the yields of long-dated US securities. The financial system […]

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