All posts in " European Union "

EU Demand Germany Pay More to Make Up for BREXIT

May 7, 2018

  The EU Commission is calling on Germany to pay up to €12 billion more annually into the EU’s pocket for the European budget. With Brexit, there will be a gap in their funding of some €3.5 to €4 billion euros. The EU, in reality, would have less to monitor, but there are never any savings in government. […]

London Remains the Financial Capital for Market Execution

May 5, 2018

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; You have said that Brexit is good for Britain and that the financial center could never move to Paris or Frankfurt and survive. Can you elaborate on that topic for us Brits? GS ANSWER: It is amazing that the politicians are so clueless and the heads of the banks are far too […]

Cologne Institute of German Business Warns of Deposit Protection May Not Survive in Europe

May 4, 2018

The Cologne Institute of German Business sees in the planned European deposit insurance is simply incapable of proving protection against a bank crash in Europe. The EU deposit guarantee is simply not practical under any concept of austerity. The Eurozone still has inherent significant risks in the balance sheets of European financial institutions. This is […]

The New Head of the EU Commission – they Call Him the “Monster”

April 13, 2018

Martin Selmayr, nicknamed “the Monster” by colleagues because of his fearsome reputation, has become the new European Commission Director General – the man in charge of the European Commission. He has been one of Brussels’ most controversial EU officials and he was unexpectedly put in charge of the entire EU civil service. Selmayr, who was chief […]

The “Monster” Takes Control of EU Commission

April 13, 2018

Martin Selmayr, nicknamed “the Monster” by colleagues because of his fearsome reputation, has become the new European Commission Director General – the man in charge of the European Commission. He has been one of Brussels’ most controversial EU officials and he was unexpectedly put in charge of the entire EU civil service. Selmayr, who was chief […]

Has the ECB Been Manipulating the Euro?

April 12, 2018

There have been persistent rumblings behind the curtain that the ECB has been “frowning” on anyone taking short positions on the Euro. They have already outlawed shorting government bonds and they are trying to wrestle the market in the Euro from London to bring it within their power and control. Up until now, they have […]

Hungary Election Also Shows EU’s Days are Numbered

April 10, 2018

Viktor Orban has clearly won the parliamentary elections in Hungary winning 74.6% of the votes on Sunday in Budapest. His party could take 134 seats in the 199-seat parliament giving it a constitutional two-thirds majority. This is an amazing landslide victory for Orban that no American president has ever reached such a majority. The record is 61.05% of the […]

Italian Elections – Another Nail in the Coffin of Brussels?

March 6, 2018

The Italian election results are in and once again it demonstrates that correlating economics with voting, you end up with a far more accurate forecast. Trying to predict based upon samples of calling people appears to be not merely questionable, but also prone to human bias. We have been warning that this trend toward nationalism […]

GDPR – Are You Ready?

March 5, 2018

The new so-called “General Data Protection Regulation” (GDPR) of the EU goes into full force on May 25, 2018. GDPR is a serious measure which is really designed to stem any criticism of the EU Commission. The claimed purpose is to stop propaganda pretending this will boost consumer confidence, revive the economy and generate billions […]

Germany Gets a Grand Coalition

March 5, 2018

The SPD members voted by a two-thirds majority for their party’s entry into a renewed grand coalition. The acting Social Democrats (SPD) party leader Olaf Scholz came out and said: “We now have clarity: The SPD will enter the next federal government.” The SPD had no choice. The polls showed if they returned and put it to […]

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