All posts in " European Union "

Theresa May Needs to Go to Vegas to Learn Poker

October 16, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I know you use to live here in London and in Berlin, you said you still had your British driver’s license. Everyone knows you were friends with Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and that you are the one they called when Britain had to face its disaster in joining the ERM. If you […]

The Political Turf War in Europe and why Britain is Considering Joining NAFTA

October 13, 2017

QUESTION: Marty; There is talk that Britain will join NAFTA rather than the EU. Does that make sense? What do you think? ANSWER: The EU is in a death spiral. Every law they pass is to preserve their own power – not for the good of the people or Europe. Once again, the government solution always […]

EU is becoming a No-Go-Zone for Business

October 6, 2017

The European Union has ordered AMAZON to pay about 250 million euros ($294 million) in taxes to Luxembourg, saying it was given an unfair tax advantage from 2003 because it paid less than they would have paid in France or Germany. The EU is retroactively changing taxes. This is a sure fire way of telling […]

Spanish & Italian Bonds Hit

October 2, 2017

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong; the Spanish and Italian bonds are getting hit. You were spot on again. RW REPLY:  Yes the peripheral spreads on the Spanish government bonds (at 10yrs) are 8bp wider than Friday close. Italy is also widening – out by 6bp but still early in the trading day just yet. The Spanish IBEX is […]

Spain Reveals EU Does Not Stand For Human Rights & Making Revolution Inevitable

October 1, 2017

The Spanish state police violence have turned against the people showing that they are clearly still a fascist reign supported by troops. Riot officers have been firing rubber bullets at crowds protesting in a Barcelona street, sending people running for cover. Countless are injured. This demonstrates that Spain is not a place for investment and one […]

Britain to be Subordinate to European High Court Even After 2019

September 29, 2017

Prime Minister Teresa May has walked into a hornet’s nest. By trying to drag out BREXIT into 2021 or beyond, the European Parliament has responded that it is set to demand that Britain will have to still be subject to all EU regulations and be subordinate to the European Court. That means trading in London will […]

ECB Negative Rate Experiment May Lead to the Worst Financial Crisis in Modern History

September 27, 2017

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; Your proposition that the quantity of money theory is dead seems to be a true earth shattering perspective. It certainly disproves the Austrian School and the events post 2008 support your statement. The European Central Bank is supposed to traditionally pursue the goal of monetary stability. The Germans have followed the Austrian […]

Has Merkel Been Undermined in Germany?

September 26, 2017

  The German election was on par with the global trend that is rising up against the establishment as we have known it. Angela Merkel has been accused of weakening her respective coalition partner. The election result of the Bundestag election shows that not only the SPD has to worry about losing ground, but the Union […]

Merkel Wins but Still only 32.5% Down Significantly

September 25, 2017

Once again Merkel fails to win the popular vote in Germany. Angela Merkel’s Christian Democratic Union lost 9% compared to the last elections. Nevertheless, her party has remained as the largest party in Germany’s parliament. Merkel’s CDU won 32.5% of the popular vote far less than any president in the United States history. That was a […]

Spain Showing the World It is Still A Fascist Government – Sell Spanish Debt

September 22, 2017

The Spanish government is facing the real moment of truth. It is displaying that it is by no means concerned about human rights nor is it a true democratic system. Spain has reverted to Franco fascism as now more than 40,000 people have gathered in Barcelona to protest over the Catalan independence vote being shut down […]

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