All posts in " European Union "

EU Collapse on Schedule

September 23, 2016

Merkel admitted that the European Union is in a “critical situation” as the EU leaders met in Slovakia. I greatly appreciate all the emails asking why I do not go to Europe to push our solution to save the continent. But what you have to understand is we will ONLY get a call when there is blood on […]

Draghi Cannot Admit He is Wrong

September 14, 2016

Mario Draghi cannot possibly admit that he is dead wrong in managing the European economy. This idea that continuing to lower rates will somehow inspire people to risk it all is just insane. This is even coming from Goldman Sachs, which means nothing for qualification. The people in the elitist banking group think that power makes […]

Refugees Vacation to Countries they Fled

September 14, 2016

It is just now coming out that some recognized refugees have been traveling back to the countries they fled to take vacations. This is further rubbing salt into the wound. Merkel’s government has been stupid in dealing with this entire issue from hiding rapes of German girls, betraying her own people, to starting classes to […]

The Failed EU Design – The Great Divide West v East

September 13, 2016

QUESTION: I saw you at your presentation in Dresden last year. Things in the East are rather different from the West in Europe. Do you have any comments on this great divide? Thank you for coming to Dresden. KMV ANSWER: There is a great divide in Europe between East and West that is rarely, if […]

European Companies Scrambling to Issue Debt

September 11, 2016

With the ECB expanding its quantitative easing program to include corporate debt, European companies are now scrambling to issue as much debt as they can as cheap rates. These issue are selling BECAUSE it is assumed they have a guaranteed bidder being the ECB. At least this part of the QE is far better than […]

Le Pen vows to hold French referendum on Leaving EU – FREXIT

September 7, 2016

Hollande is running only around a 10% approval rating. Merkel’s CDU came in third place in her home state. Things are a moving and shaking as they say in Europe. Indeed, get ready for 2017 will be the tipping point in markets as a whole. The refugee crisis has indeed changed the face of Europe […]

Merkel Suffers Major Defeat in Elections

September 5, 2016

CHANCELOR ANGELA MERKEL has suffer a major defeat with her party coming in third place in her homes state of  Mecklenburg-Vorpommern on Sunday. The signs of a major anti-immigration movement in Germany assures Merkel’s days are clearly numbered. The growing discontent with the Chancellor is all we hear from our direct sources in Germany. Only one year […]

Apple May Send Cash Back to USA Thanks to EU Commission

September 2, 2016

Tim Cook, the head of Apple, said that the company may send billions of dollars back to the US next year in 2017 in response to the EU Commission retroactively changing tax deals. Apple struck a deal with Ireland and agreed to locate there for taxes. Now the EU Commission is saying individual member states may not […]

EU Govt. Pensions Explode to €63.8 billion

August 31, 2016

I have said that the European crisis is all about keeping jobs in Brussels, and now the truth is beginning to surface. The long-term cost of pensions for EU officials has increased very sharply according to one new report. These people are lining their pockets like never before. From late 2014 to the end of 2015, […]

Merkel’s Refugee Crisis

August 26, 2016

Of course, Chancellor Angela Merkel has denied that allowing the refugees in has led to the recent Islamic terrorist attacks. She has admitted that fighting crime and Islamist terrorism will be key challenges for the year, and she is adopting a law and order position after attacks in Germany have seen her approval ratings collapse. […]

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