All posts in " European Union "

BREXIT on Schedule

February 22, 2016

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; I attended your May 1999 seminar in London. I am the person who asked you when would Britain exit the EU. You said not before 2016. Can you elaborate on how you could have possibly foreseen this event coming in June? You have won my full attention. By the way, this is […]

Largarde Wants to Continue Ruling the World from IMF

February 12, 2016

Christine Lagarde does not want to leave the IMF that rules the world from the Troika, which has become an unelected dictatorship. These types of people never want to leave once they get a taste of the awesome power that makes the press lick the ground they walk upon. Lagarde has “offered” to serve another […]

EU Fears the British Referendum Will Be a Contagion

February 12, 2016

European Council President Donald Tusk has warned that the EU is in danger of a total collapse. He has come out to say that David Cameron’s referendum in Britain will be copied by other member tactics for their own “egotistic goals.” He has said this will unleash the unthinkable: democratic rights for Europeans to disagree […]

Britain Seizing Pension Funds?

February 12, 2016

  I have been warning that Chancellor George Osborne is probably going to go down in history as the man who destroys what is left of the British empire. He has done everything wrong. Seizing pension funds to be invested by his decree is up there with Argentina’s standards. Osborne is currently putting in place […]

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