Click here to listen to my latest interview with Shaun Newman on Spotify.
Click here or on the image above to listen to my Norway interview with 2 Vikings Podcast. In what ways does Armstrong suggest the Eurozone’s financial practices are unsustainable, and what does he foresee as the potential fallout from such practices? Considering Armstrong’s skepticism towards digital currencies and government debt, what alternatives does he propose […]
Click here or watch the embedded video above for my latest interview with Greg Hunter from USA Watchdog.
Check out my latest interview with Smart Investor here. You can use Chrome browser or another tool to translate the article from German to English if necessary.
My January 2020 interview with Andrew McCreath from BNN Bloomberg came up in recent conversation, and I was asked how I knew then that we’d be where we were at now. My answer is the same — I just follow the models. Some unfamiliar with my work merely looked at the headline “DOW 40,000” and dismissed my forecast as […]
Click here or on the link above to listen to my interview on the Hrvoje Moric Show.