All posts in " Press "

Impeachment Movement

May 24, 2017

The all out war going on in Washington is to get rid of Trump to prevent him from “draining the swamp” and to stop any tax reform or reform of the Deep State. At this point anyone can say whatever they want and the press as well as Congress will take it as absolute Truth. […]

The Buffoons – Congress & Mainstream Media Join Forces

May 22, 2017

The manner in which the press acts and Congress, shows they are colluding to the point that they are desperately trying to get rid of Trump at all costs. However, what they are doing in the process is completing the forecast made by our model that this is the collapse in the confidence of government. […]

Press is Trying to Create a Stock Market Crash to Get Rid of Trump

May 18, 2017

The Washington Post, New York  Times, and CNN, among others, are desperately trying to get rid of Trump to support the status quo, the deep state, and prevent any economic reform whatsoever. Jeff Bezos bought the Washington Post for $250 million and cut a deal with the CIA to build their cloud getting $600 million. […]

The War Against Trump – Time to Fight Back

May 18, 2017

No incoming President in history has ever been so constantly attacked than Donald Trump. Look, he says some stupid things and nobody is perfect. Still, there is a whole different agenda going on here with absolutely every issue being called a constitutional crisis worthy of impeachment. Quite frankly, it is time to take off the […]

End of Socialism will Be A Tumultuous Hard Landing

April 23, 2017

QUESTION: Hi Martin: I’d love to believe that the collapse of this dead-end ideology is imminent, but when one looks at just the media situation in the entire Western world, and sets aside the political landscape, it is hard to fathom. With O’Reilly’s departure from FOX, and Murdoch’s sons taking over (who are both reportedly very […]

British Press Gearing Up to Destroy Britain – Fake News Empidemic

April 21, 2017

John Redwood, a prominent and experienced Brexit MP, posted on his blog today ( about doing an interview on British Press: The BBC wants to change the news, not report it By JOHNREDWOOD | Published: APRIL 20, 2017 Yesterday I was phoned to be asked onto the BBC Radio 4 Today program this morning. They said […]

Syria – Pipeline – How The Press Will Not Tell the Truth about Syria

April 8, 2017

With all the attacks upon Trump as having some covert connection with Putin to defeat Hillary when nothing hacked from the DNC was ever said to have been faked or altered, just released, one must wonder has this suddenly influenced Trump to attack Syria to prove he is not in league with Putin? If the […]

Censorship – Trying to Cover Up the Truth

April 7, 2017

QUESTION: I have concluded that you are the most censored analyst perhaps in history and they always said you were the guy who knew too much. I even read that in a new book entitled, Occupied, mentioning you. The fact you are being censored proves what you have to say is the real thing and someone […]

Obamagate = the new Watergate? Confidence in Gov’t & Press to Decline further

April 4, 2017

Things are going to get interesting. Of course mainstream media will say this brewing scandal is fake news. Nevertheless, my sources have been talking about this for months now. The Daily Caller now is reporting that former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova is talking saying that Susan Rice ordered the spy agencies to produce “detailed spreadsheets” of all […]

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