All posts in " Rule of Law "

Australia Elects Senator Who Was Thrown in Contempt Fighting Against Judges

September 18, 2016

Sen. Derryn Hinch (Vic-DHJP) was thrown in contempt and imprisoned for standing up against corrupt judges. He was elected to the Senate and made his Maiden Speech on September 12th, 2016. He immediately said he would fight to reform the system and even opposed the law that journalists can only photograph a senator when speaking […]

How Socialism Destroyed the Family Structure

August 30, 2016

The very core tenet of Marxism and its two versions called socialism and communism is to actually replace the family structure. In Russian communism, Stalin was paranoid about any possible resistance. Children were taught that the state was their parent instead of their biological parents, and if those creatures spoke anything against the state then […]

US Feds to End Private Prisons

August 27, 2016

The idea behind private federal prisons was to save money, but they did not. They billed the government the same and now they are losing their business. The US Justice Department has announced that it will phase out its use of privately owned prisons. They are citing safety concerns because of investigations that revealed rampant abuses with dozens […]

The Cabbage Myth

August 22, 2016

  The EU has become the modern Byzantine government. To create 2600 works regulating just cabbage is excessive. The saying that God created the 10 Commandments and Man has created tens of billions of regulations trying to restate the same thing, is simply Byzantine.   Forgot to put the link on that Cabbage Regulation Story

California to Criminalize Taking Undercover Videos

August 19, 2016

  California is about to pass a law that is so totalitarian and anti-citizen, you really have to question what the hell is going on. This new law will criminalize any undercover investigative videos of all “health care providers.” That means, even a local TV cannot make an investigation of a nursing home for abuse. […]

Pennsylvania Attorney General Guilty of Perjury

August 17, 2016

At the state level, governments vary overall, but for the most part, they are nowhere near as corrupt as the Federal government and its court system. Pennsylvania Attorney General Kathleen Kane now faces up to seven years in prison after being convicted of perjury in a politically charged trial on 9 counts of leaking grand […]

Goldman Sachs Sued for $510 Million

July 27, 2016

Goldman Sachs has been sued for $510 million in New York State Court, which is at least more viable than federal court. The case is Primus Pacific Partners I LP v Goldman Sachs Group Inc et al, New York State Supreme Court, New York County, No. 653885/2016. A shareholder of one of its former clients is suing […]

Lagarde to Stand Trial for Negligence Fraud

July 25, 2016

  If Trump wins, he says he would prosecute Hillary for her crimes. At least in France, the courts are not as corrupt as they are in the United States. The highest court has ruled that the notorious head of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) Christine Lagarde  must stand trial for a financial scandal. Back in 2008, […]

Is Front Running Now a Crime?

July 21, 2016

The US Department of Justice has arrested Mark Johnson, who was the global head of foreign exchange trading at HSBC, and a former colleague, Stuart Scott. The two traders were accused by the US government of using inside information to profit from a $3.5bn currency deal. Of course, inside trading only is a crime in […]

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