All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

Britain Passes the Snooper Charter Ending ALL Privacy

November 19, 2016

Britain has passed what everyone calls the “snooper’s charter” otherwise known as the Investigatory Powers Bill. This new legislation establishes the legal framework authorizing the government to hack into devices, networks and services in bulk and to create vast databases of personal information on all UK citizens. This is a preliminary step for a movement to impose worldwide […]

Bill Gates – Victim of Propaganda?

November 18, 2016

  QUESTION: Once again Martin your information and explanations are top class. Indian demonetisation, supportive stories in Australian press of ending the $100 bill, Swedish Riksbank investigating digital currency… You called all this months ago and now mainstream media softening up the masses.. Question – why is Bill Gates supporting this do you think ? Thanks […]

Is Trump our Savior or our Destroyer?

November 18, 2016

While people keep criticizing Trump’s tax plan saying the wealthy will get more back by lowering the top bracket from 39.6% to 33%, all they focus on is class warfare. Trump’s tax plan collapses the seven federal income tax brackets into three, reducing the top marginal rate from 39.6% to 33%, and lowers the corporate tax […]

What India Did – Other Countries Will Do – BEWARE

November 18, 2016

This is the boldest move by any government in recent times. Both the old 500 Rs and 1000 Rs notes have been “probabilistically devalued” meaning that anyone holding large number of notes, the value just has been significantly lowered by approximately 10 to 20% overnight. If you now try to deposit the cash, the money […]

Troops Inspecting People at Canadian Border

November 15, 2016

QUESTION: Hi Martin Here’s an update on a new militarization event on a USA-to-Canada vehicle border crossing at Port-Huron bridge, MI. At 3 am Sat morning I was bottled necked at the Toll bridge, on the USA side, with only one lane open for both truck and car traffic. The short of the story, is that […]

California Will Also Use Radar to Issue Tickets to Bicycles for Speeding

November 11, 2016

Let one government come up with a new idea how to extort money from the public, and it spreads like a contagion. Now California will begin issuing tickets to speeding bicyclists as well. I suppose you will soon need a license and then they can threaten to revoke your riding privileges. Will there be a […]

Eliminating Cash – The NEW AGE of Economics

November 11, 2016

QUESTION: Mr Armstrong, thank you for all that you are doing. I was hoping to get your view on the Indian government banning large denomination bills. What do you think is the reason and why such a small window of time to get them turned in? PB ANSWER: Unfortunately, the theory is that cash prevents […]

France Using Radar to Ticket Speeding Bikers

November 8, 2016

Believe it of not, France is now imposing a 10k speed limit for those riding bicycles. They are using radar guns to ticket riders. When governments need money, they are very imaginative on how to come up with new ways to fine people to get their pound of flesh.

When the Back Office Becomes Bigger than the Front Office – It is Time to Die

October 13, 2016

COMMENT: You are certainly correct, the money hunt is escalating and it’s becoming ridiculous.  I deal with it on a daily basis in the office. What a bunch of fools. J REPLY: This hunt for money is costing business vast amounts of resources and reducing world trade. In banks and brokerage, the back office typically now employs […]

World Trade Collapsing On Schedule

September 28, 2016

The World Trade Organization (WTO) has warned that there is a “dramatic slowing of trade growth” unfolding. The WTO has revised downward its projections, saying trade is now on track this year to grow at the slowest pace since 2009. The hunt for taxes is destroying the world economy and on January 1, 2017, all governments […]

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