All posts in " The Hunt for Taxes "

So When Will the Yellow Vest Movement Take Hold in the USA?

February 8, 2019

The Yellow Vest anti-government movement (#YellowVests, #GiletsJaunes) began in France on November 17, 2018, when over 300,000 people across France protested a carbon tax on fuel. President Emmanuel Macron claimed the French were leading the world in the battle against climate change. The Yellow Vest protests evolved rapidly into an all-out general anti-government movement that was […]

Oklahoma – The State You Must ALWAYS Avoid Driving Through

February 8, 2019

As there is a drive to eliminate cash, police are engaging in illegal search and seizures of debit cards. More and more businesses are refusing to accept cash, which was noted even at a ball game at Tropicana Field in Florida. They announced that during in 2019, they will no longer accept cash to pay […]

Passive Aggressive Society & the Cycle of Revolution

February 4, 2019

COMMENT: Mr. Armstrong I am currently based in Oklahoma City OK and recently received a citation from the District Attorney’s office, Oklahoma Uninsured Vehicle Enforcement Diversion Program, after a photo of my vehicle’s license plate was snapped while driving on a turnpike thoroughfare. The citation accused me of driving without insurance and attached a hefty fine […]

Governments Are Sucking in Assets like a Black Hole

January 28, 2019 QUESTION: Hello Sir, I am French and have been reading you for many years (I already read you while you published papers while you were very unfairly imprisoned). I signed up for Socrates on 6th January and must thank you warmly for opening my eyes to the real state of the global economy and its […]

Illinois Confiscating and Selling Cars if you Owe Tickets

January 25, 2019

Believe it or not, Illinois confiscated and sold 50,000 cars because people had tickets that they could not pay. They still have to pay the banks on their car loans. The tickets are for expired “city stickers” that were implemented to collect more taxes from Chicago drivers. So these are not even tickets for parking […]

Direct Taxation Reduces Economic Growth

January 22, 2019

QUESTION: Happy New Year; Am I correct in noticing a global connection in the money supply, M1 & M2? You directed us to this long ago. The global banks have found the turning point so this affects everything no? Even the US consumer is sliding to the cautious side of spending – fewer mortgages, cars, […]

Inequality of Wealth

January 22, 2019

QUESTION: Mr. Armstrong; So if I am correct, you have no problem with the inequality of wealth because you have it. Correct? JS ANSWER: Let us look seriously at this issue. All of these people who talk about the disparity or inequality of wealth, claiming it is evil, completely fail to even understand the subject. […]

Norway to Track Cars GPS to Tax Per KM (Mile) – Your Govt is Next

January 17, 2019

COMMENT: Hi, The Norwegian Data Protection Authority is now arguing that GPS based taxation, for the amount of kilometers driven by car, can be done within 5-6 years! Norwegians trust the government way too much, because they believe that this system will eliminate the need for road tax, fuel tax, toll roads and reduce the […]

New Governor of California Want to Tax Water

January 15, 2019

The total mismanagement and incompetence of government is just beyond description. The new California Governor Gavin Newsom presented his first state budget during a news conference, last week on January 10th, 2019. While he won bashing Trump over the illegal aliens because he care so much for families, he could care less about how much […]

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