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Mining Expansion for Green Energy

February 15, 2023

MiningWatch Canada is estimating that 3 billion tons of mined metals and minerals will be needed to power the energy transition. All of this nonsense for climate change means that mining for minerals will escalate dramatically. There will be an incredible expansion in the mining industry for six critical minerals: lithium, graphite, copper, cobalt, nickel, […]

Happy Fourth of July

July 4, 2022

We thank those who continue to promote and fight for freedom. Despite the current president saying our constitutional rights are not absolute, the Founding Fathers ensured on July 4, 1776, that the American people would remain free. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by […]


July 2, 2022

  The post Hypocrisy first appeared on Armstrong Economics.

Will Adam Schiff Lose in 2020? Will He be Compelled to Testify?

January 21, 2020

There has been an interesting cyclical movement back and forth in The California 28th District from which Adam Schiff resides. While he represents West Hollywood, Burbank, Glendale, Northeastern Los Angeles suburbs, as well as parts of Central Los Angeles, Schiff has held that position since 2013 and the Democrats have held that district since 2003. […]

How Do Empires, Nations & City-States Fall – The Dark Age Cycle

January 8, 2020

  This is a special report which includes for the first time “The Dark Age Cycle” which looks into how do empires die. Sometimes they just collapse, yet at other times, civilization also collapses and moves into a Dark Age. This report distinguishes all the historical changes which have taken place and the rise and […]

Hoarding Cash

December 23, 2019

COMMENT: Marty, it seems like the world is always following you. Now the Wall Street Journal has come out and said that billions of dollars in cash are vanishing. They are always well behind you no matter who I read. All the best RH ANSWER: Yes, it is interesting. There seems to be a 6 […]

PRIVATE BLOG – Craziness into 2020

December 14, 2019

PRIVATE BLOG – Craziness into 2020 Private blog posts are exclusively available to Socrates subscribers. To sign-up for Socrates or to learn more, please visit

Cold & the Great Migration

October 10, 2019

QUESTION: Marty, are you still in Asia because you wanted to miss this early snowstorm? Pete ANSWER: No, the crisis is Asia has capital in a state of concerned. Because of the problems in Hong Kong, there remain major concerns not just about the peg, but the future of Hong Kong. As I have said, […]

Omar’s Anti-Semitic Comments Glossed over by Democrats

July 21, 2019

The House approved a second resolution last week condemning “anti-Semitism, Islamophobia, racism and other forms of bigotry” in a move that Democrats hope will quell the latest uproar over Rep. Ilhan Omar’s criticism of Israel. Omar made comments at a Washington, D.C., coffee shop where she again questioned the pro-Israel lobby’s influence in American politics. […]

Joe Biden – Distancing Himself from AOC & Left

July 8, 2019

Joe Biden has been distancing himself from AOC and the extreme left. Biden has made it clear that the majority of Democrats are “center left” not “way left,” and looking at the midterm elections, the majority of people elected were center not way left. Biden is the traditional Democrat who knows where the majority of […]

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